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Dooxed by NotLiel
Dont mess with 9Tuko
Hello, Nadav, after a couple of rough months, a few police complaints against me & my friends, hundreds of hours of researching, a lot of friends' tips, IRL watching, we have found you, Nadav.
9Tuko troller group former, and many more, a little history. In June 2021, I have joined 9Tuko, we had a good time, and good trolls, until some members have left, and started doxxing us.
We did a good job back, and in the end, 3 police reports have been filled, I've been arrested with some other members, I've been sent to jail for a couple of days, yoyo got doxxed by you,
After my "release", we wanted to doxx you very hard, we have struggled to do that because of the lack of information, but, this day, the 4nd of April, we've found a very good piece of information, that lead us to this FULL dox.
Thank you everyone for supporting us with some little information, Instagram posts, School info, and many more.


Reason: Dooxed 9Tuko group members.
Doxxed by NotLiel, this is your third warning and the last one.
Full Name: Nadav Avrahami
Age: 19
DOB: 21/9/2002
National Issued ID: 2126754790
He might be in IDF right now.
Face as a kid: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/474702196743733269/963200496439533609/unknown.png
Address: הזוהר 36 תל אביב
GitHub: https://github.com/Nadav
Discord: Nadav.#5915
Instagram: https://instagram.com/nadav.avraham1996?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


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