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        Doxxed by Zord0x and Sebastian from GhostSec

Reason of Dox: Some guy scammed me of $50, so we doxxed their parents

The mom:
Full name: Julie Kim Decease
Email: jkdecesare@aol.com
Phone number: (401)-884-4995
Other Phone number: 401-447-5784
Address: 125 River Farm Dr East Greenwich Rhode Island 02818
Age: 54

Passwd: ginger
Passwd: sophia
Passwd: gingerdecesare1
Source: Hautelook.com, Zynga, Evite.com
Source: LiveAuctioneers.com
Source: Wanelo.com, Havenly.com

The dad:
Full name: Craig Michael Decesare
Address: 125 River Farm Dr East Greenwich Rhode Island 02818
Phone number: (401) 439-9900
Age: 55