Name: Angelo Bress Lechuga
Age: 16
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
School: Del Norte High School or Sandia High School (still trying to confirm school)
Grade: Sophmore
Del Norte High School Address:
Sandia High School Address:
Phone Number: 505-440-4548
- Gemini Saunders
- Gemini Saunders
Former places he has lived at:
- Chelsea Village (Apartments) 
Chelsea Village Address: 7100 Natalie Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
Former Schools:
- Cleveland Middle School
The Address: 6910 Natalie Ave NE NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110
- (i know the elementary school but i want to keep quiet on it for certain reasons.)
Reason of being doxxed:
physically abusing women, physically abusing his friends, groping and touching
a females breasts at school, groping a male at school, unzipping a males pants at 
school, making sexual comments towards a female, stalking a female, pantsing a female,
pulling down a females pants and underwear without consent, pulling down his 4 year 
old sisters pants and underwear and fondling her genitals, lying, manipulating,
being 2 faced, blackmailing, gas-lighting people, guilt tripping people, bullying,
death threats and threats to harm people, physically abusing toddler, assault/battery,
raping a female in the school lockeroom, pulling victim card. his mother and father
dont care about anything he does they let him do whatever he wants.