*by jordanleaksbadppl, July 1 2022*                   _    _      _ _       _ 
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                                                                 Hello doxers!
                                                    Mr. BlankAI#3494 is a very heavy racist, 
                           he also cheats and manipulates alot of people into his bidding quite similar to brainwashing.
                                              also saying he will grab my ip through discord lol
                                             he also uses fake 100 pound weights what a loser lmfao
                                             He says the N-Word (Hard R and normally) as he is white 
                               (which was proven from many handcams on his Youtube channel and Discord screenshares.)
                and is openly admitting to the fact that he is racist and homophobic for no apparent reason other then "wanting attention".
                                              Well, BlankAI#3494, you got the attention you deserved.


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                                        >> Name: Joseph Jackson Colby
                                        >> Age: 15
                                        >> Gender: Male
                                        >> Address: 8813 Max Way, Breinigsville, PA 18031
                                        >> Phone Number: +1 (404)-650-2631
                                        >> Postal Code: 18031
                                        >> IP Address:
                                        >> City: Breinigsville
                                        >> State: Pennsylvania
                                        >> Country: United States
                                        >> Timezone: America/Chicago
                                        >> Coordinates (Latitude and Longitude): 40.5463186, -75.6372075
                                        >> Mothers Name: Kelly Colby
                                        >> Mothers Age: 53
                                        >> Fathers Name: Perry J Colby
                                        >> Fathers Age: 53


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                                              \_| |_/\____/ \____/\___/ \___/\_| \_/ \_/ \____/

                                             >> Possible Accounts:
                                             >> Discord:   BlankAI#3494
                                             >> Fortnite:  King on 3 binds or Arc King
                                             >> Roblox:    Kxng464
      >                                      >> Youtube:   Arc King
>                                            >> Minecraft: xlithium 
                                             >> Total Websites Username Detected On: 5

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                                                  \_____|\___/ \___/ \__,_|_.__/ \__, |\___(_)
                                                                                  __/ |       
                                                                                 |___/                  *by jordanleaksbadppl, July 1 2022*