Yeah... that is a little dox of my school bully, it does not contain any detailed info. Will upload phone numbers and adresses

First name: Kevin
Last name: Nowak
Instagram: kevin2137_
Facebook: Kevin Nowak
Country: Poland
City: Bydgoszcz
Area of living: Wzgórze wolnoƛci

He is fuckin' asshole... thinks he gangster, insults me told few ppl to call me and my mom and say not so good things bout' us, 
he is calling me... idk how to name it in english, smth like the biggest faggot in that city
when i am walking in school he is screamin' look at him, what a faggot! (it does not sound that bad but in poland it is not good to call someone like that).
Just make him suffer...
As i said before, will upload more detailed info soon.