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                                Reasoning of dox: racist/saying the Hard R, Making fun of people with disabilities like autism, people with a speech impediment, and people that's in a wheelchair 
                                                                                                                                +  "stop stuttering ret@rd"         + "You should do a wheelie" 

                    Name: Karly Jean Strader
                    address: 5781 Faysel Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45233
                    Cords: 39.10839538345264, -84.63926935589974 
                    Phone number: (513) 290-6616/she might of changed the number (someone could've of took it)
                    Age: 16+
                    Birthday: March/30/2007 
                    TikTok: strader.karly1
                    Snapchat: kstrader96
                    Facebook: Karly Strader (Karl)
                    Xbox: Isuperkarly
                    Roblox: Karlythewarly https://www.roblox.com/users/503907732/profile
                    Name: Gabby Strader/ Gabriella
                    phone number: 5138274790
                    Location: Lives with Karly 
                    Snapchat: yourbutt31 
                    Name: Cayden Strader 
                    Workplace: Larosa's Pizzeria, chef/line cook
                    Location: lives with Karly
                    School: Oak Hills Highschool
                    Name: Robbie Hollyfield
                    Phone number: 513687853
                    Snapchat: rob.hollyfield
                    TikTok: rob.hollyfield
                    IG: rob.hollyfield
                    Birthday: ?/?/2007
                    Name: Kristy Heman Strader
                    Workplace: Kristi Kleen LLC, started working on november/?/2018
                    Location: Lives with Karly
                    Relation: Divorced 
                    School: Oak Hills High School
                    Facebook: Kristy Heman Strader
                    Name: Brent Strader 
                    Workplace: Ironworkers Local 44
                    Location: somewhere in Lawrenceburg, Indiana 
                    Relation: divorced
                    School/Studied: Owens Community College
                    Facebook: Brent Strader

                     Picture of her family: https://ibb.co/JRr5qb9
                     Picture Of Karly: https://ibb.co/BwM9sx2
                     Picture Of Karly: https://ibb.co/GWzGB64
                     Picture of her a few years ago (with a filter) https://ibb.co/xgzb90t
                     Gabby Straders/sister: https://ibb.co/SfdQHfH
                     Karlys Mom: https://ibb.co/V35HVZm
                     Karlys Dad: https://ibb.co/VTPTMbG
                     Robbie: https://ibb.co/PcKHqhF
                     Robbie Showing His Man Tits: https://ibb.co/mXRJ26B
                     Picture Of Her Ugly Friend: https://ibb.co/W21LnBw       

