

 ║                    Table Of Contents                   ║
 ║ →     Reason......................................     ║
 ║ →     In-Game Information.........................     ║
 ║ →     Social Media Paltforms......................     ║
 ║ →     Location Information........................     ║
 ║ →     Internet Information........................     ║
 ║ →     Family......................................     ║
 ║ →     Additional Information......................     ║
 ║ →     Credits.....................................     ║


➤ DDosing and threatening DDos 
➤ Shit talking 

Proof: [Forwarded from ************ ]

                                      【In-Game Information】  
➤ Current Ign: 95CAPILARY 
➤ Past Igns: 95CAPALOT, 95MD, IGN95, WingWong69, BootySlayer12233, 95mph, etc...
➤ UUID: 857a70f9-3227-4f7c-8834-4c6ba3d23408
                                           【Social Media】 
➤ Discord: @IGN95#3020
➤ Telegram: @IGN95MPH
➤ Pet's Facebook (Contains Outdated Home Address): [Forwarded from *************** ]  https://www.facebook.com/hunternbaxter.snyder
➤ Lunar Profile: https://www.lunar.gg/u/95CAPILARY 
                                      【Location Information】

➤ Address: 506 Prospect Ave
➤ City: Beaver Dam
➤ State: Wisconsin, WI
➤ Postal Code: 53916
➤ Full Address Info: 506 Prospect Ave Beaver Dam, WI 53916
➤ Area Code: (920)
➤ County: Dodge County   

                                      【Internet Information】   

➤ Most Recent Ip Address: (Not static)
➤ Old Ip Address: (From 2016)
➤ ISP: Spectrum 
➤ NameMc: https://namemc.com/profile/95CAPILARY.1   


➤ Misty N Snyder (Age 39)
   LandLine: (920) 921-3095

➤ Allen John Snyder (Age 38) 
   LandLine: (920) 923-0324, (920) 923-6974

➤ Too Lazy to List More

                                     【Additional Information】

➤ Leaked IRL's Below 
➤ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/535231556432822304/706343972309827604/95.MOVhttps://prnt.sc/seul0o

This Kid Looks Like Budget Ed Sheeran LMAO holy fuck He's Ugly


Keep Crying to That Fat Brit Fronting to defend you 


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