|---------------------------------------{Reason for Dox: I just wanted to :) }---------------------------------------|
I am a law-abiding citizen of my homeland {Russian Federation}, I have never broken and will not break the law. This 
person who was subjected to my doxx because I can do it :) All information is collected from open sources and does 
   |-----------------------------------|not have violations. Just a user error|-----------------------------------|
            This user of the telegram network does not hide his data, which is why there are few of them.
    Basic data such as phone number and gmail address are present. Also, the last name, first name and patronymic.
Full Name - Виктория Романова Кишинева                                        
Surname - Романова
 Name - Виктория
Last name - Кишинева
Phone number - 79944078114|79811757564
Region - Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region
Vkontakte - Victoria Romanova (https://vk.com/id700339328)
Date of birth - 28.11.2003 (20 years old)
Email - victoriapobeda2003@mail.ru
Instagram - @kishinew_news [Kishinevnews] (https://instagram.com/kishinew_news)
Mother Victoria Romanova Chisinau                              
Uvarova Elena Vladimirovna 
Surname - Victoria
Name - Elena
Last name - Vladimirovna 
Phone number - 79811757564
Email: victoriapobeda2003@mail.ru
Date of birth - 23.02.1978 (46 лет)