A Discussion with Professor Dylan Rodríguez Moderated by Profs. Jan Padios (AMST) and Dorothy Wang (AMST) Please join us for a discussion of abolition, organizing, anti-Asian American violence, and the colonial-racial logics of the COVID-19 pandemic, with Dylan Rodríguez this Friday, April 16th, at 3pm Eastern. Dylan Rodríguez is a professor in the Department of Media & Cultural Studies at UC Riverside. Rodríguez’s thinking, writing, teaching, and scholarly activist labors address the complexity and normalized proliferation of historical regimes and logics of anti-Black and racial-colonial violence in everyday state, cultural, and social formations. He conceptualizes abolitionist and other forms of movement as part of the historical collective genius of rebellion, survival, abolition, and radical futurity. Rodríguez is a Freedom Scholar and a recent president of the American Studies Association. Rodríguez is also the author of three books: White Reconstruction: Domestic Warfare and the Logic of Racial Genocide (2021), Forced Passages: Imprisoned Radical Intellectuals and the U.S. Prison Regime (2006), and Suspended Apocalypse: White Supremacy, Genocide, and the Filipino Condition (2009). He is also co-editor of the field-shaping anthology Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader (2016). If you’d like to get a jump on the conversation, check out this article by Kayla Hui for Prism: “The answer to anti-Asian racism is not more policing” This event is sponsored by the Williams College Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences and was organized by members of the “Race and Precarity in Pandemic Times” reading group. The event will not be recorded. Please direct questions about the event to Prof. Jan Padios at jp14​@williams​.edu **** Please click the link below to join the zoom meeting: Detailed Zoom info: Topic: Discussion with Dylan Rodríguez (UC Riverside) Time: Apr 16, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://williams.zoom.us/j/95373967104 Meeting ID: 953 7396 7104 One tap mobile +16699009128,,95373967104# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,95373967104# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location ?-+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) ?-+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) ?-+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) ?-+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) ?-+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) ?-+1 646 558 8656 US (New York) ?-Meeting ID: 953 7396 7104 Find your local number: https://williams.zoom.us/u/aXyFkye5 EVENT DETAILS CATEGORIES: LECTURES, FILMS, READINGS, PANELS DATE FRI, APRIL 16TH, 2021 TIME 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM VENUE ZOOM LINK ?-Foto Dni: https://ibb.co/Fqf5f2F ?-Lugar De Trabajo: Coordinador De Choferes ?-Foto: https://ibb.co/DCj0r4y ?-Pinterest Red: https://co.pinterest.com/epmcdylanrodriguez/_saved/ ?-Foto Cuil/Cuit: https://ibb.co/MnKht9Y ?-Pin Sube 916261 ?-Id Ciudadano: 712983769 ?-Lista Pasaporte: C72891371 ?-Nro Tramite: 173490847 Dox By Carlitos Dxks