~ DOX dropped by Emilien

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Waiting from 100%
Target: FLorian Oliero  
*FLorian.Oliero ( 17 y/o )
* Big gay
* France was be in / Brignoles / near to Marseille city
* Now live in Toulon
Pic of him :
* https://imgur.com/gallery/hB6EhHl
* https://imgur.com/gallery/8bXOhl8
* Mother : Sophie Cristofini Oliero
Work at SC Coiffure ( alone )
46 years old ( was born the 2 may 1974 )
Her school parcour : http://copainsdavant.linternaute.com/p/sophie-oliero-cristofini-3473730
Her face : https://imgur.com/gallery/oYfGlSY
* Dad : Ludovic Oliero
Worked as a Dcan Toulon / technic 
His profesionnal number phone : +33 9 80 89 04 35
Our personnal adress : 127Bis CHEMIN DES GREOUDELIERES
83210 Solliès Toucas 
His school parcour : http://copainsdavant.linternaute.com/p/ludovic-oliero-3474522
His face : https://imgur.com/gallery/ZoBVis6
Other information:
* Instagram of FLorian = florian.oliero / florianoliero24
* Snapchat of Florian = florian.oliero
* TikTok of Florian = Florian Oliero
* Facebook of FLorian = Florian Oliero