- Retire pas le tag quand son maitre l'ordonne
                   - me prend pour son petit alors qu'il est rien pour tant 
                   - Je rajouterai régulièrement de nouveau documents le concernant, pour ceux qui ont des informations le concernant-..
                      - mettez votre DISCORD/TELEGRAM en commentaire j'prendrai soin d'vous ajoutez.

- Do not remove the tag when its master orders it
 - takes me for his little one when he's really nothing
 - I will regularly add new documents concerning him, for those who have information concerning him -..
 - put your DISCORD/TELEGRAM in comments and I will take care of adding you.

Nakra : France, Toulouse

    [+] DoxDate: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
    [+] Nickname: nakra
    [+] Firstname: soan
    [+] Lastname: salmie
    [+] Age: 16
    [+] PhoneNumber:  07 68 66 99 16
    [+] Gmail: soansalmi271@gmail.com
    [+] IP: 
    [+] CountryName: soan
    [+] City: toulon
    [+] PostalCode: 83200
    [+] StreetAdress: toulon
    [+] Photos(imgur.com): https://imgur.com/a/qp9JOWO
    [+] DiscordTag: 992841074626281522
    [+] FatherName: nakra
    [+] PrivateNumber: 07 68 66 99 16
    [+] Brother: Rayan and Issa
    [+] Mother: Sandrine
    [+] mail : soansalmi271@gmail.com + salmisoan138@gmail.com