│           >[Table Of Contents]<           │
│ →0x01 Introduction........................│
│ →0x02 Basic Information...................│
│ →0x03 Family Information..................│
│ →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............│
│ →0x05 IP Information......................│
│ →0x06 House Information...................│
│ →0x07 Database Entries....................│
│ →0x08 Court Records.......................│
│ →0x09 Credits & Links.....................│
   _______________________-------------------                       `\
 /:--__                                                              |
||&lt; &gt; |               Villager lmao ___________________________/
| \__/_________________-------------------                         |
|                                                                  |
 |                       Down fall of meme5                        |
 |                                                                  |
 |      "Meme5 a 21 year old minecraft pedo has shown               |
  |       a consistant and concerning feeling towards minors.       |
  |      Meme5 enjoys playing the victim in situations               |
  |       to make people feel pity for his freak ass,                |
  |      Kanha Jodhpurkar lives with his parents at the               |
   |       age of 21 with no hopes nor dreams. Today is the           |
   |       downfall of this once great minecrafter.                  |
   |     In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.                |
  |                                              ____________________|_
  |  ___________________-------------------------                      `\
  |/`--_                                                                 |
  ||[ ]||  Ill add more if this faggot keeps it up.  ___________________/

<        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<         >
☎ Alias(s)............... Meme5
☎ Full Name.............. Kanha Jodhpurkar
☎ Address................ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln South Riding VA 20152
             Old Addresses ↳ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln Chantilly VA 20152 
                             1101 Sanderson Dr, Unit 9 Sterling VA 20164
☎ Age....................  21
☎ Occupation............. Broke nigga 
☎ Phone Number...........  
                          ↳ (703) 444-1644
☎ Relationship Status.... single af
☎ Picture(s).............
                         ↳ https://gyazo.com/edff360c7d53fd9547c3781ede7d461dhttps://gyazo.com/d0a64ca67b6eeee145c5c6e0569d4293https://ibb.co/2MqRHmQ 
☎ Email.................. k.jodhpurkar@gmail.com
☎ IP Adresses............
                         ↳ (current)

                   ____            ____            ____
                  /....\          /....\          /....\
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          | |    |::::::|    | | |::::::|    | | |::::::|
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          | |/  /  |            |  |            |  |            |
          |_| |/|  |            |  |            |  |            |
         (===)| |  |    pray    |  |    PRAY    |  |    PRAY    |
         `==='  |`-|            |`-|            |`-|            |
          | |   |`-|    kill    |`-|    the     |`-|   indians  |
          |_|   |  |            |  |            |  |            |
                |  |            |  |            |  |            |
                |  |            |  |            |  |            |
                |`-|            |`-|            |`-|            |
                |__|            |__|            |__|            |
                /_ |            |_ |            |_ |            |


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                                         " Going for the entire family tree " 


☎ Name................... Jeetendra Jodhpurkar
☎ Address................ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln South Riding VA 20152 
                         ↳ 1630 Worcester Rd, Unit 215C Framingham MA 01702
                         ↳ 319 Bishop Ct Westminster MD 21157
                         ↳1101 Sanderson Dr, Unit 9 Sterling VA 20164
                         ↳109 Linden St, Unit 26 Waltham MA 02452
                         ↳ 10502 Oronoco Ln Manassas VA 20109
☎ Age.................... 54
☎ DOB.................... N/A
☎ Occupation............. N/A
☎ Phone Number........... (703) 327-3523 
                         ↳ (571) 338-0580
                         ↳ (571) 490-5044
                         ↳(540) 327-3523
                         ↳(703) 444-1644
☎ Relationship Status.... Married
☎ Picture(s)............. https://gyazo.com/12014c537927006127478b09ba98d120
☎ Email(s)............... jeetendra@hotmail.com , mohini3@juno.com


☎ Name................... Madhavi Jodhpurkar
☎ Address................ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln South Riding VA 20152

                         ↳ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln Chantilly VA 20152
                         ↳ 1101 Sanderson Dr, Unit 9 Sterling VA 20164
                         ↳ 8 E Monroe Ave, Unit 307 Alexandria VA 22301
                         ↳ 10531 S Grant Ave Manassas VA 20110
☎ Age.................... 53
☎ DOB.................... N/A
☎ Occupation............. Young Rembrandts - Loudoun & Fairfax Counties, Virginia
☎ Phone Number........... (703) 327-3523
☎ Relationship Status.... Married
☎ Picture(s)............. https://gyazo.com/12014c537927006127478b09ba98d120
☎ Email(s)............... ajodhpurkar@yahoo.com , jodhpurkar@aol.com

<           0x04 >[Social Media:]<           >

☎ Facebook............... https://www.facebook.com/kanha.jodhpurkar
                         ↳ Moms facebook - https://www.facebook.com/madhavi.jodhpurkar
☎ Instagram.............. 
                         ↳ https://www.instagram.com/kanha0_o/
☎ Website................. https://kanhaj.wixsite.com/kanha-jodhpurkarwwwwwwwwwwww
☎ LinkedIn................ https://www.linkedin.com/in/kanhajo/
☎ Snapchat................ kjodheurkar   (prop spelled wrong)
☎ Discord................. Meme5#5464

<        0x06 >[House Information:]<         >
☎ Address................ 25913 Rickmansworth Ln South Riding VA 20152 
☎ Bedroom................ 5 bed 
☎ Bathroom............... 4 bath
☎ Square Feet............ 2,494 sqft
☎ Year Built............. 1999
☎ Bought for............. $253,550
☎ Bought on.............. 11/3/1999

☎ Tax History............

Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
2020	$6,240 (+0.3%)	$602,920 (+1.3%)
2019	$6,220 (+1.2%)	$595,180 (+5.1%)
2018	$6,145 (+2%)	$566,360 (+5.7%)	
<         0x09 >[Credits & Links:]<          >


                                     (@@@)     (@@@@@)
                               (@@)     (@@@@@@@)        (@@@@@@@)                    We would like to thank you for boarding onto PRAY locomotive department. 
                         (@@@@@@@)   (@@@@@)       (@@@@@@@@@@@)                     
                    (@@@)     (@@@@@@@)   (@@@@@@)             (@@@)                  Conductor: Villager
               (@@@@@@)    (@@@@@@)                (@)                                Engineer: Raxp
           (@@@)  (@@@@)           (@@)                                               Fireman: TMO
        (@@)              (@@@)                                                       Stewardess: Bliss
       ] [    .-.      _    .-----.
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