I know, I know, I posted some of this as anonymous like yesterday of smth
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	☠Introduction / Why
	☠Basic Information
	☠Social Media
	☠Related People

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	This guy deadass used to own a animal rape / bestiality farm. He got incarcerated and still continues to preach his word about "Oh AnImAlS cAn CoNsEnT" gtfo lmfao.
	He even has a podcast where he talks / gives advice to people about 'coming out' as an animal fucker and pressures people to become a 'zoophile' in the free time.
	Also fakes rent bills so someone else can pay for him (He pays $700 less than he should lmao) and failed to appear in court one time.
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	Full Name: Douglas Spink
	Alias: Fausty
	Address: 41 Sioux Ave, Port Townsend Washington 98368
	Age: 54
	"On April 14, 2010, the federal government raided Douglas Spink’s home. At the time, he was living 20 miles from Carreen K Maloney's home in northern Washington State.
	His animals were seized and taken to Whatcom Humane Society."
	He used to be a moderator on the website "ZetaTracker" which was a bestiality/animal porno website.
	He got arrested on the Canadian border, with thousands of bestiality and supposed child porn on himself.
	He got arrested before that because he was smuggling 170kg of cocaine around, probably to build up wealth after he went bankrupt 3 years before.
	He now spends his time basically grooming people into becoming a zoophile and owns a podcast over at https://zoo.wtf/
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	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/LeConteSpink
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/ZooierThanThou
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/HavenLabs
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/cleanvpn
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/cryptostorm_is
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/cryptohaven
	Twitter 	: https://twitter.com/cryptofree
	Twitter		: https://twitter.com/cryptostud
	Keybase 	: https://keybase.io/p_j
	Keybase		: https://keybase.io/lecontespink
	Blockstack	: https://explorer.blockstack.org/name/lcs.id
	Github  	: https://github.com/pjstorm
	Bitmessage	: BM-NAueHWwiZQ26TgX9iXPqtiMjMBB5dc5t
	Wire		: @cryptostud (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wire)
	Telegram	: digitalmaquis
	Briar		: cryptostud (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.briarproject.briar.android)
	ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Db_Leconte-Spink2
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	The person who helped him publish a book about him:
		Full name: Carreen K Maloney
		Addresses: Po Box 877 - Ferndale Washington 98248 (Not yet confirmed)
				   3233 Velvet Ln - Custer Washington 98240 (Confirmed)
		Phone: 360-366-3330
		Email: Carreen@fuzzytown.com (Old)
		IP Address:
	His lawyer:
		Full name: Howard E Phillips
		Address: 11005 60th Ave W, Mukilteo Washington 98275
		Phone: 425-345-1002		
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	All Dead/Disowned lmfao