Disclaimer: Information is to protect the public and show how sick people are and how they can hide on YouTube
Reason: Dirty old fucking pedophile likes grabbing kids dicks in public hope he goes to hell He runs a youtube channel goes by Plasmamasterdon
Conviction Date:19 August 2019
Charge: Sexual Imposition
Registration #:	6782695
Name: Donzel Edward Owens Jr
Age: 73
Day of birth: 1947-09-10
Gender: Male
Race: White
Height: 5ft 7in
Weight: 100lbs
Face Pics: https://gyazo.com/a5155135640c5b936bbcc54c5236b1d8
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlasmaMasterDon

Car: Buick	Century	2005	White
Address: 2930 STATE ROUTE 45 LOT #46, LISBON, OH 44432
Photo of house: https://gyazo.com/d6e9d3d01a207f460a1eaa4d7d421f40