[Folded by - Osiris]

Name: Dominique Lujan
Snapchat: dominique_luj20
Age: 15
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947601371811676191/949423310976978987/18527863_103081903613533_5660254174705925865_n.png
Address: 523 W 3rd Ave. Spearman, TX 79081

Name: Linda Lujan
Age: 62
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linda.lujan.54
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989575848564760666/990459034471653406/unknown.png
Phone Number: 8062700224
Address: 523 W 3rd Ave. Spearman, TX 79081
Email: linda60lou@hotmail.com
Name: Miguel A Lugan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/miguel.lujan.167527
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989575848564760666/990461478215745556/unknown.png
Age: 61 (Aug 1960)
Phone Number: 8062700296
Address: 523 W 3rd Ave. Spearman, TX 79081
Name: Bobby Lujan
Age: 39 (Jan 1983)
Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989575848564760666/990460651765903400/unknown.png
Facebook: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989575848564760666/990462443182493757/unknown.png
Phone Number: 8062700108
Address: 616 Barkley St Spearman, TX 79081
Email: bobbyl_@yahoo.com

Reason for dox:

He loves to post cp on discord and sell them, he is just a perv and a pedo