Jamie Arthur Hardwick’s dox.

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I’ll keep it very brief, this guy would send his dick in Discord -
servers,  & online chat-rooms. His friends whom are around him only
claim it’s his “Disability” when he is the one getting butt ass naked.
*NOTE* I was unable to get Texts as the server had been Nuked.

âž­ Full Name: Jamie Arthur Hardwick
âž­ Age: 37
âž­ Location: 63 Whitehall Rd, Halesowen, B63 3JS.
âž­ Work: Davron Motors , Jackson St, Lye, Stourbridge DY9 8HE, United Kingdom

âž­ Picture of House: https://i.imgur.com/p8s5psE.jpg 

âž­ Discord: jam1e0
âž­ Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100089948495911&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user 

âž­ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1205350638381170810/1205881464122511470/IMG_1006.jpg?ex=65d9fba1&is=65c786a1&hm=100ebc1ab2fbdffb14533699bdb9779c49cbeb9711c2bcd34a3059e02d2ad81f&
âž­ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1205350638381170810/1205881451124490290/IMG_8720.png?ex=65d9fb9e&is=65c7869e&hm=e7e6c77d297f5c240ab580e91d0face39fc8596ad0b243db016fb0de51f1a943&
âž­ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1205350638381170810/1205884843423170570/cm-chat-media-video-1ec5095cf-09ed-5d0f-b4a7-b77d7a812216120700.mov?ex=65d9fec6&is=65c789c6&hm=0573b96000295c5bec48f8b0c9fbfb253c1a4e42418c1900f3d1dcf9629b85db&
âž­ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1205350638381170810/1205887515924635778/3BF2BA5B-5AE7-47EE-B4A9-AC0D44CD2355.jpg?ex=65da0144&is=65c78c44&hm=43885e39a769206795a77588af26af87fad6f521fa5085884a97867eb76b8df2&