▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌          :::::::::   ::::::::  :::    ::: :::    ::: :::::::::: :::::::::        ::::::::  :::::::::   ::::::::             ▐
▌          :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:        :+:    :+:       :+:    :+: :+:    :+: :+:    :+:           ▐
▌          +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+  +:+  +:+   +:+  +:+  +:+        +:+    +:+       +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+ +:+                  ▐
▌          +#+    +:+ +#+    +:+   +#++:+     +#++:+   +#++:++#   +#+    +:+       +#+    +:+ +#++:++#:  :#:                  ▐
▌          +#+    +#+ +#+    +#+  +#+  +#+   +#+  +#+  +#+        +#+    +#+       +#+    +#+ +#+    +#+ +#+   +#+#           ▐
▌          #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#        #+#    #+#  #+#  #+#    #+# #+#    #+# #+#    #+#           ▐
▌          #########   ########  ###    ### ###    ### ########## #########   ###   ########  ###    ###  ########            ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                             Just a simple DOX for a simple skid.                                            ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
█████████████████████████████████████████████████       REASON FOR DOX        █████████████████████████████████████████████████
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ A fatass 16 yr old pig looking skid likes to threaten little girls in the internet                                          ▐
▌ for BTC and dox them (13 yrs or lower) after getting rejected from his begging to                                           ▐
▌ e-date them in the internet lol. Kid's high on power by spending his parents' credit                                        ▐
▌ cards to pay script kiddies to dox his online ex-girlfriends and girls who rejected him                                     ▐
▌ to threaten them for nudes. Posted child pornography on his own website that he took down                                   ▐
▌ a couple years ago.                                                                                                         ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ User to this day begs to be unbanned and lowballs on a large fan-server in which he would harbor his targets.               ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌           d8888b. d88888b d8888b. .d8888.  .d88b.  d8b   db  .d8b.  db        d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.             ▐
▌           88  `8D 88'     88  `8D 88'  YP .8P  Y8. 888o  88 d8' `8b 88          `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8.            ▐
▌           88oodD' 88ooooo 88oobY' `8bo.   88    88 88V8o 88 88ooo88 88           88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88            ▐
▌           88~~~   88~~~~~ 88`8b     `Y8b. 88    88 88 V8o88 88~~~88 88           88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88            ▐
▌           88      88.     88 `88. db   8D `8b  d8' 88  V888 88   88 88booo.     .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8'            ▐
▌           88      Y88888P 88   YD `8888Y'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P YP   YP Y88888P   Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ Name       ---             Noah Rowlands Hollowell                                                                          ▐
▌ Age        ---             16                                                                                               ▐
▌ Birth      ---             January 4th, 2004                                                                                ▐
▌ Ethnicity  ---             White (British/American)                                                                         ▐
▌ Location   ---             Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam                                                                        ▐
▌ Address    ---             376/85 Nguyễn Đình ChiểuPhường 4, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam (Unconfirmed)                     ▐
▌ Timezone   ---             Asia/Bangkok (GMT+7)                                                                             ▐
▌ Aliases    ---             Tom Micheal Kaleti, Azuma, ImNahhYT, Nahh                                                        ▐
▌ Selfie     ---             https://imgur.com/a/uCYp6v3                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/B2WjKJB                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/tv0kDYi                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/HoeFmEv                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/Ys7mLU3                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/b3wDnDv                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/PiHpJl1                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/dYTWxqD                                                                      ▐
▌                            https://imgur.com/a/VQcqzCc                                                                      ▐
▌ School     ---             British International School - Ho Chi Minh City (Official)                                       ▐
▌                            UPDATE: Dropped out from school, Kid was bullied to the point to getting                         ▐
▌                                    home-schooled according to his home teacher and principal.                               ▐
▌                                    Has been home-schooled for 3 years now.                                                  ▐
▌ Phone      ---             +84 34 767 8645  (Viettel Mobile) (Confirmed personal cell)                                      ▐
▌                            +49 1520 2170996 (Confirmed personal cell)                                                       ▐
▌                            +09 1357 2660    (Unconfirmed)                                                                   ▐
▌                            +1 662-642-0789  (Google Voice) (Confirmed)                                                      ▐
▌ Emails     ---             noah@articuno.org                                                                                ▐
▌ 			     noah@rilakkuma.org                                                                               ▐
▌                            n@articuno.org                                                                                   ▐
▌                            noah@angelic.com                                                                                 ▐
▌                            lord@gmail.com                                                                                   ▐
▌                            haha@gmail.com                                                                                   ▐
▌                            666.sarma@gmail.com                                                                              ▐
▌                            n@blad.ee (imsg)                                                                                 ▐
▌                            noahrowlands07@gmail.com (linked to an active forum account he uses)                             ▐  
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌          .d8888.  .d88b.   .o88b. d888888b  .d8b.  db        .88b  d88. d88888b d8888b. d888888b  .d8b.  .d8888.            ▌
▌          88'  YP .8P  Y8. d8P  Y8   `88'   d8' `8b 88        88'YbdP`88 88'     88  `8D   `88'   d8' `8b 88'  YP            ▌
▌          `8bo.   88    88 8P         88    88ooo88 88        88  88  88 88ooooo 88   88    88    88ooo88 `8bo.              ▌
▌            `Y8b. 88    88 8b         88    88~~~88 88        88  88  88 88~~~~~ 88   88    88    88~~~88   `Y8b.            ▌
▌          db   8D `8b  d8' Y8b  d8   .88.   88   88 88booo.   88  88  88 88.     88  .8D   .88.   88   88 db   8D            ▌
▌          `8888Y'  `Y88P'   `Y88P' Y888888P YP   YP Y88888P   YP  YP  YP Y88888P Y8888D' Y888888P YP   YP `8888Y'            ▌
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Discord    ---             a{A*/)4vEG(9a'#4270	        (User ID - 699653486257897655 - Main Account)                 ▐   
▌                            majrur#4394                                                                                      ▐
▌                            noah#0001                                                                                        ▐
▌                            internet rockstar#0022             (User ID - 665247273349021716)                                ▐
▌                            internet rockstar#3610             (User ID - 6837324400276276090)                               ▐
▌                            【₵₦₭】 Altair#1645                  (User ID - 702598325861613678)                                ▐
▌                            |S| |B| |D|【₵₦₭】|T| |H| |J|#1918   (User ID - 697482476435538023)                                ▐
▌                            fast like michael phelps#6383      (User ID - 707991076836868208)                                ▐
▌                            flashbang#2317                     (User ID - 557954084452433931)                                ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Twitter    ---             https://twitter.com/_znoah                                                                       ▐ 
▌                            https://twitter.com/yunggoldnova                                                                 ▐ 
▌                            https://twitter.com/deamon24                                                                     ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ Snapchat   ---             brokenoah                                                                                        ▐
▌                            noah.row                                                                                         ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Xbox	   ---               iqu                                                                                              ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Telegram   ---             noahnoahnoah12                                                                                   ▐  
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ IP Address ---     (Confirmed, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (vnpt.com.vn)             ▐ 
▌                   (Confirmed, British home)                                                        ▐     
▌                    (Confirmed, but old IP)                                                          ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Instagram  ---             https://www.instagram.com/x0.noah/?hl=en                                                         ▐ 
▌                            https://www.instagram.com/noah_/?hl=en                                                           ▐ 
▌                            https://www.instagram.com/hiyuko/?hl=en                                                          ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Website    ---             articuno.org (contained private files/links of underage                                          ▐ 
▌                                          child pornography and tentacle anime hentai)                                       ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌ Minecraft  ---             https://namemc.com/profile/owonoa.1                                                              ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                     d88888b  .d8b.  .88b  d88. d888888b db      db    db                                    ▐
▌                                     88'     d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88   `88'   88      `8b  d8'                                    ▐
▌                                     88ooo   88ooo88 88  88  88    88    88       `8bd8'                                     ▐
▌                                     88~~~   88~~~88 88  88  88    88    88         88                                       ▐
▌                                     88      88   88 88  88  88   .88.   88booo.    88                                       ▐
▌                                     YP      YP   YP YP  YP  YP Y888888P Y88888P    YP                                       ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ MOTHER             ---      Zoe Hollowell (Dodge)                                                                           ▐
▌ Hometown           ---      Bath, Somerset                                                                                  ▐
▌                             Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2017 - Present)                                                      ▐
▌ Education          ---      University of Cumbria MBA-A.I - Master of Business Administration, Artificial Intelligence      ▐ 
▌                             Norton Hill/Wells Blue School - Charlton Rd, Midsomer Norton, Bath BA3 4AD, United Kingdom      ▐ 
▌ Emails             ---      zoe_dodge@vfc.com                                                                               ▐ 
▌                             zoe.shoedoctor@googlemail.com                                                                   ▐ 
▌ Facebook           ---      https://www.facebook.com/zoe.dodge.9/                                                           ▐
▌ Occupation         ---      Country Director at VF Corporation, Senior Director Manufacturing                               ▐
▌                             Innovation at Adidas and Head of Design, Development and Technical                              ▐
▌                             at Lyle and Scott                                                                               ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                          ► Facebook Info Regarding Occupation ◄                                             ▐
▌ · Country Director at VF Corporation (April 1, 2019 - Present)                            --- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam     ▐
▌ · Senior Director Manufacturing Innovation at Adidas (May 1, 2018 - Present)              --- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam     ▐
▌ · Head of Design, Development and Technical at Lyle and Scott (October 7, 2014 - Present) --- London, United Kingdom        ▐ 
▌ · Former Senior Director of Development Footwear and Apparel collaborations Sports Style at Adidas                          ▐
▌   (September 1, 2016 - April 30, 2018)                                                    --- Nuremberg                     ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ Children           ---      Harriet Wellington       (Oldest stepdaughter)    (https://www.facebook.com/harriethollowell)   ▐
▌                             Noah (Rowland) Hollowell (Oldest brother)                                                       ▐
▌                             Miller Hollowell         (Younger brother)                                                      ▐
▌                             Woody Hollowell          (Youngest brother)                                                     ▐
▌ Anniversary        ---      September 6th (with Russ Hollowell)                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ FATHER             ---      Russ Hollowell                                                                                  ▐
▌ Hometown           ---      Northampton, Northamptonshire                                                                   ▐
▌                             Frome, Somerset (2014 - Present)                                                                ▐
▌                             Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2017 - Present)                                                      ▐
▌ Education          ---      Guilsborough School                                                                             ▐
▌ Facebook           ---      https://www.facebook.com/russ.hollowell/                                                        ▐
▌ Occupation         ---      Brand Director at Innolux Footwear                                                              ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐ 
▌                                          ► Facebook Info Regarding Occupation ◄                                             ▐
▌ · Brand Director at Innolux Footwear (April 4, 2019 - Present)                            --- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam     ▐
▌ Children           ---      Olivia Hollowell                                  (https://www.facebook.com/livvy.hollowell)    ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ GRANDMOTHER        ---      https://www.facebook.com/krys.dodge                                                             ▐
▌ RUSS'S BROTHER     ---      https://www.facebook.com/brendan.hollowell                                                      ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                             ► Russ Hollowell Family Tree ◄                                                  ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ Brendan Hollowell                                            ---  https://www.facebook.com/brendan.hollowell/               ▐
▌ Tara Hollowell Scarth                                        ---  https://www.facebook.com/tara.scarth                      ▐
▌ Nicola Hollowell Was Boden                                   ---  https://www.facebook.com/nicci.hollowell                  ▐
▌ Nicci Hollowell                                              ---  https://www.facebook.com/nicci.hollowell.3                ▐
▌ Jane Wellington Hollowell                                    ---  https://www.facebook.com/jane.hollowell.9                 ▐
▌ Ellie Hollowell                                              ---  https://www.facebook.com/ellieannehollowell2003           ▐
▌                                                                   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004056142031   ▐                                                                                                                       ▐
▌ Elliechelsea Hollowell                                       ---  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005668660351   ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                         ► Zoe Dodge (Hollowell) Family Tree ◄                                               ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ Krys Dodge                                                   ---  https://www.facebook.com/krys.dodge                       ▐
▌ Ashley Dodge                                                 ---  https://www.facebook.com/ashley.dodge.31                  ▐
▌ Michelle Dodge (Michelle Lancashire)                         ---  https://www.facebook.com/michelle.dodge.10                ▐
▌ Steph Dodge                                                  ---  https://www.facebook.com/steph.dodge.1                    ▐
▌ Dean Dodge                                                   ---  https://www.facebook.com/deandodge93                      ▐
▌ Jordan Dodge                                                 ---  https://www.facebook.com/daddyydodge2016                  ▐
▌ Liam Dodge                                                   ---  https://www.facebook.com/liam.dodge.9                     ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                         d88888b db    db d8b   db         d88888b  .d8b.   .o88b. d888888b .d8888.                          ▐
▌                         88'     88    88 888o  88         88'     d8' `8b d8P  Y8 `~~88~~' 88'  YP                          ▐
▌                         88ooo   88    88 88V8o 88         88ooo   88ooo88 8P         88    `8bo.                            ▐
▌                         88~~~   88    88 88 V8o88         88~~~   88~~~88 8b         88      `Y8b.                          ▐
▌                         88      88b  d88 88  V888         88      88   88 Y8b  d8    88    db   8D                          ▐
▌                         YP      ~Y8888P' VP   V8P         YP      YP   YP  `Y88P'    YP    `8888Y'                          ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌ · Posted fake selfies on Snapchat and proudly boasted about his parents' money to online egirls to impress them             ▐
▌ · Posted 7 DoX of underage girls on doxbin.org anonymously since he's too much of a pussy to create an account              ▐
▌ · After his demands were met for child porn he still posted their dox anyway on doxbin.org (and possibly other sites)       ▐
▌ · When confronted with his info he shit himself and stuttered and cried in Discord call LMFAO                               ▐
▌ · Even to this day he begs to be unbanned and lowballs on a large fan-server in which he would harbor his targets           ▐
▌ · Likes to claim innocent ppl as pedophiles to attract attention to himself and create fabricated evidence via Discord      ▐
▌   to "support" his claims (lmfao how desperate can you get, you fat pig looking faggot)                                     ▐
▌        -   Poor Noah trying to make fabricated evidence:      https://imgur.com/a/HUH2aS6                                   ▐
▌        -   Poor Noah's sad attempt to extort on Discord:      https://imgur.com/a/z0Sw4IQ                                   ▐
▌ · Friends with other pedophiles on Discord, has his own private Discord server with fugly retarded faggots                  ▐
▌ · Blames other people for this dox and doesn't admit to his actions like a little bitch                                     ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                       d888888b d8b   db d88888b  .d88b.         d8888b. db    db .88b  d88. d8888b.                         ▐
▌                         `88'   888o  88 88'     .8P  Y8.        88  `8D 88    88 88'YbdP`88 88  `8D                         ▐
▌                          88    88V8o 88 88ooo   88    88        88   88 88    88 88  88  88 88oodD'                         ▐
▌                          88    88 V8o88 88~~~   88    88        88   88 88    88 88  88  88 88                              ▐
▌                         .88.   88  V888 88      `8b  d8'        88  .8D 88b  d88 88  88  88 88                              ▐
▌                       Y888888P VP   V8P YP       `Y88P'         Y8888D' ~Y8888P' YP  YP  YP 88                              ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                         Some info here and there for you to enjoy                                           ▐
▌                                         and discover for yourself about Noah's family.                                      ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌   · ANYWHERE XXX PORN : pass - flaper12                                                                                     ▐
▌   · AntiComboList / Exploit.in - flapps                                                                                     ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌   · wipeout0401  zoe.shoedoctor@gmail.com  6de1d9ff70404fcd680a605869be735d:X/[Y$                          ▐
▌   · 77bf6535-fecb-4d6d-8a25-745a5c414c38    wipeout0401                                                   ▐
▌   · 77bf6535-fecb-4d6d-8a25-745a5c414c38    wipeout0401                                                    ▐
▌   · 77bf6535-fecb-4d6d-8a25-745a5c414c38    wipeout0401                                                   ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌   · Zoe Hollowell's workplace in Colorado                                                                                   ▐
▌             Location: 8505 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, Colorado, United States                                    ▐
▌             Company: VF Corporation                                                                                         ▐
▌             HQ Phone: (336) 424-6000                                                                                        ▐
▌             Email: z***@***.com (most likely zoe_dodge@vfc.com)                                                             ▐
▌   · Zoe Hollowell's workplace in London, United Kingdom                                                                     ▐
▌             Work: Head of Design, Development and Technical - Footwear and Accessories @ Lyle and Scott                     ▐
▌             Product Dev/Technical Consultant @ Shoedoctor                                                                   ▐
▌             Product Development @ Hunter Boot Ltd                                                                           ▐
▌             Head of Design Dev and Tech @ Lyle and Scott                                                                    ▐
▌   · Zoe Hollowell's workplace in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City                                                                  ▐
▌             Location: Unit 1505-1506, 15th Floor  37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1 Ho Chi Minh City                       ▐
▌             HQ Phone: +84 28 3910 4629 - office                                                                             ▐
▌                       +84 28 3910 4628 - fax                                                                                ▐
▌             VF Service Desk:                                                                                                ▐
▌                       Local Number 1-800-678-8009                                                                           ▐
▌                       Regional Calls 1-336-332-5307                                                                         ▐
▌                       Email VFservicedesk@vfc.com                                                                           ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌   · zlh-x@hotmail.co.uk - 01733766963 (unconfirmed)                                                                         ▐
▌   · 109 Langley Bretton Peterborough, CAMBS PE3 8QD (Potential address, unconfirmed)                                        ▐
▌   · ••• ••• •• 44 - zoe.shoedoctor@gmail.com recovery phone    security question - mother's maiden name                     ▐
▌   · recovery email for hotmail - th*****@hotmail.com    security question - favorite pet's name                             ▐ 
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌   · +44 7791 757165                                                                                                         ▐
▌   · 415-360-0896                                                                                                            ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                          ( stop saying that ur undoxable noah... btw if u want me to post )                                 ▐
▌                          ( the entire dox of u and ur family just let me know.            )                                 ▐
▌                          (                                            - ur ex, Madison <3 )                                 ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐
▌                                                                                                                             ▐