▄▄       ▄▄                                                ▄▄                           ▄▄           
▀███▀▀▀██▄                                            ▀███      ▄██                     ▀████▀  ▀████▀▀           ▄██                         ▀███           
  ██    ▀██▄                                            ██       ██                       ██      ██               ██                           ██           
  ██     ▀██ ▄██▀██▄▀██▀   ▀██▀██▀   ▀██▀ ▄▄█▀██   ▄█▀▀███       ██▄████▄ ▀██▀   ▀██▀     ██      ██  ▀███  ▀███   ██▄████▄ ▀████████▄█████▄    ██   ██▀▀█▄  
  ██      ████▀   ▀██ ▀██ ▄█▀   ▀██ ▄█▀  ▄█▀   ██▄██    ██       ██    ▀██  ██   ▄█       ██████████    ██    ██   ██    ▀██  ██    ██    ██    ██  ███  ▀██ 
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                                                                            ▄█                                                                     ███  ▄█▀  
                                                                          ██▀                                                                       █████▀   


Discordname: Pascal#2506

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198966925214

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pascalgelling

Discordserver: Hauptbahnhof

Name: Pascal Gelling

Wohnort: NRW Marsberg (Giershagen)

Straße: Noch unbekannt

Beruf: Ausbildung zum Dachdecker

Nummer: +491744935789

Alter: 19

Bilder: http://xup.in/dl,16755557


Mutter: Inchen Gelling (nicht bestätigt)
Writes consciously at the age of 14, tells him it doesn't matter how old you are.
wants to meet and is generally very pedophile.
Talks very ambiguous and uncomfortable to listen to or talk to.


                           _ _     _     
           ___ _ _   _   _| (_)___| |__  
          / _ \ '_ \ / _` | | / __| '_ \ 
         |  __/ | | | (_| | | \__ \ | | |
          \___|_| |_|\__, |_|_|___/_| |_|


Discordname: Pascal#2506

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198966925214

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pascalgelling

Discordserver: Hauptbahnhof

Name: Pascal Gelling

Residence: NRW Marsberg (Giershagen)

Street: Noch unbekannt

Job: Ausbildung zum Dachdecker

Phone: +491744935789

Age: 19

Pictures: http://xup.in/dl,16755557

Mom: Inchen Gelling (nicht bestätigt)

Writes with girls who are 14 years old.
He tells them that it doesn't matter how old they are.
want to meet with them and is generally very pedophile.
Talks very ambiguous and uncomfortable to listen to or talk to.


                                                        ▄▄       ▄▄                                                ▄▄                           ▄▄           
▀███▀▀▀██▄                                            ▀███      ▄██                     ▀████▀  ▀████▀▀           ▄██                         ▀███           
  ██    ▀██▄                                            ██       ██                       ██      ██               ██                           ██           
  ██     ▀██ ▄██▀██▄▀██▀   ▀██▀██▀   ▀██▀ ▄▄█▀██   ▄█▀▀███       ██▄████▄ ▀██▀   ▀██▀     ██      ██  ▀███  ▀███   ██▄████▄ ▀████████▄█████▄    ██   ██▀▀█▄  
  ██      ████▀   ▀██ ▀██ ▄█▀   ▀██ ▄█▀  ▄█▀   ██▄██    ██       ██    ▀██  ██   ▄█       ██████████    ██    ██   ██    ▀██  ██    ██    ██    ██  ███  ▀██ 
  ██     ▄████     ██   ███       ███    ██▀▀▀▀▀▀███    ██       ██     ██   ██ ▄█        ██      ██    ██    ██   ██     ██  ██    ██    ██    ██       ▄██ 
  ██    ▄██▀██▄   ▄██ ▄█▀ ██▄   ▄█▀ ██▄  ██▄    ▄▀██    ██       ██▄   ▄██    ███         ██      ██    ██    ██   ██▄   ▄██  ██    ██    ██    ██     ▀▀██▄ 
▄████████▀   ▀█████▀▄██▄   ▄██▄██▄   ▄██▄ ▀█████▀ ▀████▀███▄     █▀█████▀     ▄█        ▄████▄  ▄████▄▄ ▀████▀███▄ █▀█████▀ ▄████  ████  ████▄▄████▄      ██ 
                                                                            ▄█                                                                     ███  ▄█▀  
                                                                          ██▀                                                                       █████▀