Reason: hoe, HUGE ego(thinks she better than everyone), claimed to be 'undoxable', and A lot more, but ill leave it like that...
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Full Legal Name ; Dayna Sthill
Race            ; black
Nicknames/Alias ; Dayna, designer, lottery, Kickback, stack up, Memory, Deathwish, Rum
Date Of Birth   ; 17th September 200
Number          ; +1 (832) 998-1664

Country         ; United States
Address         ; 24311 Winter Lakes Dr, Katy, TX 77493, USA
Postal Code     ; TX 77493
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Snapchat ; fw.daopsdayna
Twitter  ; AdrianSthill1
email    ;
email    ;
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SchoolName ; Morton Ranch High School
Location   ; 21000 Franz Rd, Katy, TX 77449, United States
City       ; Katy
ZIP        ; TX 77449

website ;

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