## Director of National Intelligence Dox                                ##

| Name: Avril Danica Haines               |
| DOB: Aug 27, 1969                       |
| Spouse: David J Davighi                 |
| DOB: Born on Jun 18, 1962               |

| Possible Landline: 202-546-4238         |
|                                         |
| Address: 510 Hammonds Ct Alexandria, VA |
| Religion: Jewish                        | 
| Spouse Religion: Christianity           |
| Occupation: Director of National Intel  |

Picture: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.0aaf809c5c0f49a14a86139f8cff1b2c?rik=3sj11rtZ7V3zEA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Spouse's picture: https://th.bing.com/th?id=OIP.k-beOs_WVxEbpDZ5ONwLyAAAAA&w=120&h=120&c=8&rs=1&qlt=80&o=6&dpr=1.4&pid=3.1

| Previous Address                               |
| 214 Front St. New York, NY 10038               |
| 714 S Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21231-3406       |
| 204 N Pitt St, Alexandria, VA 22314-2591       |
| 700 Duke St, STE 101, Alexandria, VA 22314-3192|
| 214 Front St, APT 4C, New York, NY 10038-2035  |

| Emails                                         |
| haines@medinaredcross.org                      |
| ahaines744@aol.com                             |
| ahaines@nsc.eop.goc                            |

| Previous Numbers                               |
| (646) 314-8180 - Landline                      |
| (202) 546-4238 - Landline                      |
| (502) 897-2311 - Landline                      |
| (212) 721-1934 - Landline                      |
| (410) 463-8907 - Wireless                      |
| (502) 439-5764 - Wireless                      |
| (202) 463-8907 - Landline                      |
| (212) 799-4675 - Landline                      |
| (212) 463-8907 - Landline                      |
| (410) 276-9491 - Landline                      |
| (410) 732-1048 - Landline                      |
| Workplace: Office of the Director of National Intelligence
| Workplace Commute: https://img.do/x/1715995229445ad9.jpg                                         |
| Possible LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avril-haines-9551a96                              |
| Databreaches in:                                                                                 |
|  Email: ahaines744@aol.com;                                                                      |
| 	"Evite 2019",                                                                              |
| 	"Onliner Spambot (spamlist) 2017",                                                         |
| 	"River City Media Spam List (spam list) 2017",                                             |
| 	"Data Enrichment Exposure From PDL Customer 2019"                                          |
|                                      Most recent passwords:                                      |
| ahaines744@aol.com:AHaines1969^                                                                  |  
| ahaines744@aol.com:zaAzAz1234                                                                    |
| haines@medinaredcross.org:Ced8n3DkqHL[M>]R                                                       |
Known Medical Consultant: https://www.medinaredcross.org/
Workplace website: https://www.odni.gov/index.php/who-we-are/leadership/director-of-national-intelligence