 /\   /\__ _ _ __ ___  _ __  _   _| | __ _ 
 \ \ / / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | | | |/ _` |
  \ V / (_| | | | | | | |_) | |_| | | (_| |
   \_/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/ \__,_|_|\__,_|

(  ____ )(  ____ \(  ___  )(  ____ \(  ___  )( (    /|(  ____ \ 
| (    )|| (    \/| (   ) || (    \/| (   ) ||  \  ( || (    \/ 
| (____)|| (__    | (___) || (_____ | |   | ||   \ | || (_____ 
|     __)|  __)   |  ___  |(_____  )| |   | || (\ \) |(_____  )
| (\ (   | (      | (   ) |      ) || |   | || | \   |      ) |
| ) \ \__| (____/\| )   ( |/\____) || (___) || )  \  |/\____) |
|/   \__/(_______/|/     \|\_______)(_______)|/    )_)\_______)   

      - Claims to be the founder of zone and KOS.                                             - Falsely doxxing me. (deleted)

                       - Fucking with me                                              - Begging me to get him a fansign. 

                                         - Being Really ANNOYING. +  - Being a pussy.

Well, I guess this is your funeral, Dioxide. 

Note to Dioxide: You've made a huge mistake fucking with me. My condolences on your parent's death on 27/4/2016. 


Name - Joseph Lake

Age - 19

Location: Bridgeport Rd
Portmore, Jamaica 
(17.961918, -76.880281)


Youtube: Dioxide

Spotify: TheyLuhJoseph

Number: +1 876  284-2560


X    X

Mother: Sherlene Tania
Age: 45
Location: Bridgeport Rd
Portmore, Jamaica 
(17.961918, -76.880281)

Father: Lawrence Lake
Age: 58
Location: Bridgeport Rd
Portmore, Jamaica 
(17.961918, -76.880281)

  _, __, __, __, _ ___    _,  _, __, __,  _,
 / ` |_) |_  | \ |  |    / ` /_\ |_) | \ (_ 
 \ , | \ |   |_/ |  |    \ , | | | \ |_/ , )
  ~  ~ ~ ~~~ ~   ~  ~     ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ 
Note: they're possibly (73%) maxed out or inactive. 

Joseph: 4716367496414269
Sherlene: 4024007155322455
Lawrence: 5596819462221914

Thank you for reading this.
Goodbye, fellow hackers. 