Extreme A.K.A Dion Bekteshi is a failed extorter and fraudcom larper who claims credit for IG bans. 
Several warnings were given to Dion, yet he did not listen to any.
You deserved this, Dion.

https://t.me/extremeran - more pictures of him

|                   DETAILS                |  

First name: Dion
Family name: Bekteshi
Age: 16 (17 on the 11th of August)
https://files.doxbin.gg/l40s5wLC.jpg - Passport
UNCONFIRMED - Address: Mozartstrasse 21 37327 Leinefelde (Switzerland) 
https://files.doxbin.gg/qnxHvgXM.jpg - Mobile Phone Data showing Weilheim in Oberbayern, German city
Nationality: Kosovar

Telegram: constantly changing his telegram, current @ is @pfwrangels

|                   FAMILY                 |  


First name: Agon
Family name: Bekteshi
Age: 47
Address: Mozartstrasse 21 37327 
Phone number(s): +38 649528828/+41 787591928
Job : Aerne Engineering AG

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agon.bekteshi.33?mibextid=9R9pXO
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.it/agonbekteshi/ (he shares his project here)
PDfFs : mkrs-ks.org/repository/docs/3854.pdf (he's in debts LMAOOO) (line 38)



First name: Andresa
Family name: Bekteshi
Age: 43
Address: Mozartstrasse 21 37327
Phone Number : +41 791037637
Job : BUTLERS GmbH & Co.KG (2017-now)
School : Maastricht University
2012 - 2013 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qendresa.ademi.14203
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user181407096
GRANDMA (father side)
First name : Fatime
Family name : Bekteshi
Age : 69 (LoL)
City : Akhris, Ohrid, Macedonia
Ex-job : English teacher 2002-2017)
Status : Unknow. (probably down in the grave)

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bekteshifatime/
Facebook 1 : https://www.facebook.com/fatime.bekteshi.161
Facebook 2 : https://www.facebook.com/fatime.bekteshi.391
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.it/fatimebekteshi1954/


Great Uncle (father side)
First name : Bardhyl
Family name : Bekteshi
Age : 58
Net Worth : $1 Million
Job : Assistant Director, Editor
Ex Job : Radio Television of Kosovo
Ex Job (2) : Film Editor Rk1
Phone number : +39 3802557509

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bardhylabekteshi
Pdf : https://www.mkrs-ks.org/repository/docs/2216.pdf (page 4 number 1)
IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1298168/


Aunt (father side) 
First name: Dion
Family name: Bekteshi
Date of birth: Sep 20, 1977
City : Drenas, Slovenia
Phone number : +38649341980

Facebook 1 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011367197466 
Facebook 2 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007356252279
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.it/dbekteshi89/


Uncle (father side) (brother of the father)
First name: Arben 
Family name: Bekteshi
Age: 40
City : Pristina, Albania
Phone numbers :+3556825172677/+3556858889727+355698248298/+393319660170/+393407494974/+393497249165/+38649107101 (he's a dealer idk man like how many fucking number do he need)
Job : Ais/Fmu/Nof Specialist at Pristina International Airport - Kosova

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011367197466 
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/arbenbekteshii/


Grandma (mom side)
First name : Elfete
Family name : Ademi
Age : 64
Location : Krpimej, Serbia
Job : SHFMU "Hamit Sejdiu" Kërpimeh
Ex school : Universiteti i Prishtinës
Status : Widow

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/elfete.hasanikajtazi


Aunt (mom side)
First name: Aurita 
Family name: Ademi
Date of birth: December 1990
City : Pristina, Albania

X/Twitter : https://twitter.com/auritaa1
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10008932065698


Cousin (mom side)
First name: Ornis
Family name: Ademi
Date of birth: Lil nigga too young (2009 btw)
City : Pristina
Photo of him hacking : https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=567898233385991&set=a.103706276471858 (his ass he's NOT anonymous)

Facebook 1 : https://www.facebook.com/hana.basha.1865
Facebook 2 : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056221172535
Facebook 3 : https://www.facebook.com/ornis.ademi


Uncle (mom side)
First name: Albert
Family name: Ademi
Date of birth: June 1989
City : Pristina
Job : Head of Satellite Program at RTK - Radio Television of Kosovo
Email : albertademi@rtklive.com
Phone number : +355 38230119
