DingDongVg was apart of a let's play channel, OneyPlays and left after a 2017 - 2018 controversy with an associate, GameGrumps. DD had been attacked by fans of GameGrumps for speaking out about a homoerotic video game ( 'Dream Daddy' ) that was fetishizing queers being DD himself is gay.

Reddit comment controversy summary: https://www.reddit.com/r/rantgrumps/comments/zz9q5i/comment/j2bvrxv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

His boyfriend is Julian Olmos-Mzea or 'Marcel' and had been affiliated with OneyPlays as long as DD has.

YT: https://youtube.com/@dingdongvg?si=9AJqk3nmtpSsFVmE
YT for stream archives: https://youtube.com/@dingdongvgstreams?si=_lNjvVDQuvitR2Jh
Twitter: https://x.com/DingDongVG?t=Tl_ZlNNC8Erf9RSdubiy9A&s=09
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/dingdongvg.bsky.social

DD and Julian created a video game company named WanWanGames which is currently what they do now.
Pateron ( barely used for updates): https://www.patreon.com/wanwangames 
Twitter: https://x.com/WanWanGames?t=Y9t_JBW6PFVw-z7t-5qA8g&s=09

This is an archive of the supposed dox DD claimed had been spreading at the time.

Face leak: https://imgur.com/a/hVYDk2Q
Full name: Richard Peter Korzeniowski
Born November 7 1990

Other usernames online include: Timothy/Tim, @TimothyTeee, Timothy the tubist 

Affiliated addresses include:
3820 Frances Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA 

7739 W Bryn Mawr Ave Chicago, IL 60631 (believed to be current.) 

MySpace: https://myspace.com/timiscool1
Can be found archived on the WayBack Machine. Abandoned. 

Following found on TruePeople:
Searching Richard P. Korzeniowski brings up possible relatives, those including: Michael Korzeniowski who is confirmed to be his brother and a Nicholas Korzeniowski. Mother is named Phyllis Korzeniowski.

For Nicholas on TruePeople, it is listed he lives in Evanston, IL which lines up to his FB 
Also includes Nicholas' wife, Svetlana, who can be seen on his FB. 

Tuba vore which links into his whole thing he was running on the TimothyTeee twitter.
Michael Korzeniowski confirming DD is his brother. https://imgur.com/a/RMzdnsk
Michael Korzeniowski instagram. https://www.instagram.com/korzo/?hl=en
Nick Korzeniowski's twitter. https://x.com/kford65
Nick Korzeniowski instagrams. https://www.instagram.com/nickkorzo/?hl=en 
Face leak source. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200448279506951&set=pb.1155511654.-2207520000&type=3