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We just do a little bit of trolling~

Warning: Most of these Informations are public and they are gathered from legal sources such as: whatsapp conversations. images, legal access to pictures of banquet and instagram posts.

Hello folks, today at the special menu we got a 15 year old romanian girl, let's introduce her


Full name: Diana Costan
Her currently school status: Learning in High-school as a Freshman at CNIH(Colegiul National Iulia Hasdeu) National College Iulia Hasdeu.
Finished secondary school: School Peter Ghelmez number 58 (https://scoalapetreghelmez.ro)
Age: 15 (no tos breaking, dear moderators)
DOB: 12 February 2009
Phone Number: +40 725 885 606

Our princess's socials:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiyz/ Currently Private
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chiyz Private as well
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/chiyz
Amazon wishlist

More information about our sweet little princess:

She is a leader of girls volleyball team named Lumina Wolves, training at ICHB Pallady, an international private computer science high school

A small picture of our professional volleyball player princess, what a good player!
The sources of images

SillyTroller 2024