Name: Joe Raymond Usakowski
Born: July 29th 1987
Lives at: 2215 S La Salle gardens, Detroit MI 48206
Vehicle: 1993 Chevrolet Suburban License plate 0TAC0N 
         Vin number: 1GNGC26N2PJ386923
Job: CSX transportation 
     6750 Dix St, Detroit, MI 48209
Phone: (248)399-3032 (landline) 
       (248)514-9734 (mobile)
relatives: Andrew Usakowski (dead brother) 
           Phil Usakowski (uncle)
           Kitcha Fournier (girlfriend)
reason: literal pedophile living across from an elementary school and posting uncensored loli porn on 
twitter and instagram and driving an suv with stickers of nude little girls on it and is proud of it
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