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Reason for dox: a autistic fuck such as yourself thinks you can make the partner of someone like the HXR leader cheat on them? LMFAO

[Personal Info]

Name: Devin Millar
Age: 23
Location: 30761 Old Windmill Rd, Menifee CA 92584

[Family Info]
Relatives: Mother, father, sisters, brothers, spouses and/or former spouses of Devin Millar in Menifee, CA. Dana Millar • Dustin Millar • Elaine Millar • Annie Kolodzik • Blythe Millar • Catherine Estrada • Dana Millar • Daniel Estrada • Edward Estrada • Elizabeth Estrada • Ginger Estrada • Hector Estrada • Katelyn Schwieters • Kurtis Millar