This Dox is baout a whatapp group of Emos and Ltbtq+ people which are really agressiv against homophobic people they just cant understand the opinion of other people. They are mostly from Germany but Also from Switzerland Austria Luxenbourg France like Elsaas and Netherlands. They deserved to be dox because they are just random people between the gae of 18-72 My Ex Girlfriend called Leah not her real name: is half japanese and german but her half brother raped her when she was younger thats why she is in a hospital for pychopathic people because she got a trauma of being raped. Her new boyfriend called Maximillian is a fuckingRandom which she only knew about because discord they like imaginary dream couple but they are fucking fucking depressed Emos which just think the are emos but never did sth bad about their own body. so they are just fake emos who thinks they are depresed and she snitched all her boyfriends text messages and voice lines to her friends and she thinks its funny to expose her old boyfriends who could kill her. Her boyfriend number: 49 175 7082891 Emilia is a girl from rheinlandpfpalz which belive she is beautiful but is ugly as hell iánd looks like a emo 49 162 4951119 Now its turn to Kimi she is a lesbian slut which likes to tease boys because she thinks its funny to break their hearts: 49 174 6234997 by ????‌????‌????‌????‌????‌ ????‌????‌ ????‌????‌????‌ Macht was ihr wollt damit. ナー pot ni dam cyka