Name: Sean Danzi Leth
Adresse: Boligvej 8
4500 Nykøbing Sj
- Denmark.

Phone number: 61 51 52 17

Moms full name: Camilla Danzi Leth
Adresse: Boligvej 8
4500 Nykøbing Sj
- Denmark.

Phone number: 21 34 48 30

Step-father's full name: Rene Ekman

Adresse: Boligvej 8
4500 Nykøbing Sj
- Denmark.

Phone number: 40 50 34 06


Socials - Facebook Sean Leth:

Socials - Facebook Camilla Danzi Leth:

Socials - Facebook Stepfather Rene Ekman:


Reason of Dox: Pedophilia.


Sean leth is a 18 year old male who likes to prey on small girls. He focus on people between 10-14. He finds them on facebook, starts a conversation - and moves on to snapchat.

When he has their full attention, and have shown love and affection - he will pressure them to take naked pictures - (Nudes). After that he will blackmail them, and -
threaten them to share it on social media. He has accounts on the following tor sites.

LolitasParidise ((leth9481))
Forbidden love (Leth97173)
Pedophiles support forum (DisturbedKid03)

His known victims count are ((6)).
Stories have been verified by the following victims.

anonymous ((Aged 14)) Danish female. Her story:

We started just chatting, he showed me a love i've never seen before.. I thought it was love at first sight..? He asked to see my boobs, and it was important that i -
Showed my face. After that I regret, he did what i feared the most.. He screenshotted, and started to blackmail me.. I didn't know what to do, when I told my parents..

All evidence was gone of the following issue..
