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                                                ║ → 0x01 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x02 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x03 | Usernames Information.................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x04 | Family Information..................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x05 | Ending Message......................... ║

    ⛧ 0x01 -> Introduction 
    - Kid is scamming people for only €5.
    - Kid is 24/7 busy on his laptop with ratting/ddossing people.
    - Man is saying people are skids, but he cant even make an batch file..

    ⛧ 0x02 -> Personal Information

➤Full Name.....  Denis Velic
➤Phone Number..  +31633856968
➤Ip adress.....
➤Adress.... Hoogt 45, 5053 AJ Goirle (Phonenumber: +31 0132112438)
➤Age...........  16.
➤School........ SBO Zonnesteen, its a special school for autists, he never goes to school anymore.
➤Relation...... Single [ No one wants him, he is ugly asf]
➤Alias......... wifitimeouts, iotnetbackup, noxify200pump, optify.cs, reboot.cs, galaxy.cs, dna_pansl, dna_ovh, account_service_nl, flixsy.cs
➤Emails........ tomorqun@gmail.com, galaxyvelic@gmail.com, hackedbybe@gmail.com, rebootjanssen@gmail.com, rosavankreken@gmail.com
➤Known passwords. DENIS2004, Denis20043?@!, Jeweethetzelf, DENIS2004@!, Denis2020@!

    ⛧ 0x03 -> Usernames Information

➤Youtube....... https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCREYp1qVqU_Cxm42_THuxUg, www.youtube.com%2Fchannel%2FUCO8LrWHbt6SAxnAtmj24Wgg&e=ATOob-4JAQAEkuu8h1ZiZAB8wW7GyWw_ek-Jw9xMGREke_vjrf53MlPxq6RrXMQIcSyzW8xN2fqdZ9tH1LmXJo4&s=1
➤Linktr.ee..... https://linktr.ee/rebootsecuritypanel
➤Instagram........ https://instagram.com/noxify200pump?igshid=zwk6vydb4can, https://instagram.com/rebootsecuritypanel?igshid=1xjsd8xqjpiut, https://instagram.com/optify.cs?igshid=1ki31qz4o4k5y,
https://instagram.com/wifitimeouts?igshid=673ywjl1t4dg, https://instagram.com/account_service_nl?igshid=1or7b1pcp2y9e, https://instagram.com/kqa.timeouts?igshid=1d3e6tj1hnijm, 
➤Epicgames......... noxify200pump_ig
➤Discord....... flixsy.cs#0202, wifitimeouts#8839, optify#6087, flixsy.cs#7352 (old ones are banned uwu)

    ⛧ 0x04 -> Family Information

➤Dad............... Elvir Velic
➤Dad's Facebook.... https://m.facebook.com/elvir.velic.7
➤Dad's Instagram... https://instagram.com/elvirvelic?igshid=imey2zbad6uz
➤Dad's Phonenumbers. +31 06 19470940, +31 06 15460308

    ⛧ 0x05 -> Ending Message

    - Probably has issues at home and plays games 24/7 instead of going out with friends and having fun.
    - Just stay to playing fortnite untill you get arrest or if ur able to get a real job, in the mid time just go think about ddosing.

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