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Enjoy the dox <3                                                    \\_______//

☠ Victim: DemoPP 
   Reason: for being an upapu fan

      ➤ Name: Micah Boh
      ➤ Originaly from: India
      ➤ Age: 18
      ➤ City: Whitehaven
      ➤ Address:  15 Firm Grove, Whitehaven
      ➤ School: St Benedicks School
      ➤ Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/963124600089247915/1030870325849763840/Screenshot_20220819-123942.png
      ➤ IP: 86.252.342.42


☠ Father: Phil Bod
      ➤ Age: 57
      ➤ Number: +44 7456 32504

☠ Little brother: Mason Bod
     ➤ Age: 10
     ➤ Facebook: Doesn't have facebook



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║                                                             by  GX and Walksy                                                                         ║
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║                                                                 Get doxxed retard <3                                                                  ║
║                                                            Next is the faggot is larcal                                                               ║
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║                                                       Thanks to mystogan for the template                                                             ║
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