

Before starting, why is this bitchass fag doxed?

He's doxed cuz he thinks he can dox everyone (he has only doxed infs
with public infos) and thinks he's a good flamer (he stutters all
the time), in fact, he tried to 
simp Antiflame members, trying to get in without any success.

U don't run from justice fatso.


- Name: Diego Merolla
- Birthday: 30 October 2009
- Home address: Via Domenico Scarlatti, 51, 81030 Castel Volturno CE
- Tax Code: MRLDGI09R30F839F
- Phone number: +39 371 574 1898

- Him -> https://imgur.com/a/nRD1Aqp
- Photo with his mother -> https://imgur.com/a/ChrwcMQ
- Photo with his sister -> https://imgur.com/a/1Jqk7Rj
- Photo with his grandmother -> https://imgur.com/a/oI8m2aj
- Photo with a soldier suit -> https://imgur.com/a/h4hrPv8
- Photo while he's sleeping -> https://imgur.com/a/VA5hslC
- House photo -> https://imgur.com/a/lnheDlv


- Name: Carlo Merolla
- Birthday: 24 december 1988
- Phone number: +39 366 103 4255

- Him -> https://imgur.com/a/2B6SJPw
- Him while he's sleeping -> https://imgur.com/a/NZNInak


- Name: Fortuna Merolla
- Phone number: +39 380 907 5680


- Name: Simona Ferrara
- Birthday: 29 september 1989
- Tax Code: FRRSMN89P69F839L
- She work in Gente di Mare e Percorsi Per Crescere Onlus


Uncle (mom's side):
- Name: Gianluca Ferrara
- Works as a Trader Holder in Gente di Mare
- Phone number: +39 333 329 8395
- Home address: Via Salvo D’Acquisto 29, Trentola Ducenta, Italy


Some other family members:
Arturo Ferrara, Rosalia Ferrara, Luigi Ferrara, Nicola Ferrara, Patrizia Ippolito

