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                                                            @EgirlExtortion on telegram

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                                        1. Considers having Sex with a 13-year-old At 17 is a Flex.
                                        2. Bullies others based on appearance despite being ugly as Fuck

                                        3. Engages in egging cars and other Retardism, then blames his own friends.

                                        4. Loves to backstab irls like its nothing with no hesitation 

                                        5. Exhibits predatory behavior, particularly concerning minors.


                                ██████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗██╗      █████╗ ███╗   ██╗    ███████╗██╗  ██╗███████╗ █████╗ 
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                            kinda odd to like fucking 13 year olds Declan might have to snitch to your whole family tree



  ➤NAME: Declan Shea (17)
  ➤EMAILS: Unknown
  ➤ACCOUNTS: https://www.instagram.com/sheazo33/ https://www.tiktok.com/@sheazosecret
        ↳ Snap: declanshea23 
  ➤BIRTHDATE: Unknown
  ➤HOUSE NUMBERS: (617) 471-7409
  ➤ADDRESS: 53 Wood St, Milton, MA 02186
  ➤NUMBER: +1 (617) 433-0442
  ➤FACE: https://files.catbox.moe/v3gh5n.jpg | https://files.catbox.moe/dwuxu5.png | https://files.catbox.moe/ffialj.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/7vfceo.png | https://files.catbox.moe/qckd5o.png
  ➤note: how hard is it to not be a pedo???


  ➤NAME: John Shea / John J Shea (52)
  ➤EMAILS: jshea0@aol.com | jshea@roadrunner.com | john.shea@ameritrade.com | jshea@adelphia.net
  ➤ACCOUNTS: https://www.facebook.com/jim.smith.79656
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 10/24/1973
  ➤HOME NUMBERS: (617) 471-7409
  ➤ADDRESS: 53 Wood St, Milton, MA 02186
  ➤NUMBER: +1 (617) 688-5525
  ➤FACE:  https://files.catbox.moe/iltklr.jpg
  ➤Phones Paid for in his name: (617) 688-5525 | (617) 504-9233 | (617) 835-2218 | (617) 817-3811 | (508) 221-7965
  ➤note: if i was you id snuff him out in his sleep


  ➤NAME: Jennifer Lena Shea / Jennifer A Kozlowski (50)
  ➤EMAILS: sheaj5@hotmail.com | jshea@mediaone.net | heartwing12@hotmail.com
  ➤LEAKS: jen16763354             fiddle
              ↳ Twitter 2021 Db      ↳ Collection 2
  ➤ACCOUNTS: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kozloskishea
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 02/12/1972
  ➤HOME NUMBERS: (617) 296-8859
  ➤ADDRESS: 53 Wood St, Milton, MA 02186
  ➤NUMBER: +1 (617) 717-8227 | +1 (617) 298-8323
  ➤FACE: https://files.catbox.moe/g0wf2d.jpg
  ➤note: Scary ass fucking face holy SHIT



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                            Will update if they move or change any numbers + will add more info if i find any                                           

