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Table of Contents

0x01 - Reasons
0x02 - Personal Information
0x03 - Address
0x04 - Family Info
0x05 - Socials


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He's friends with Larry and tried insulting me, he also kicked me from the GC we were in.


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Name - AJ Duffield
Age - Unknown
Race - White


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Mum's Address(Real) - 525 E Paint St Washington Ch, Oh 43160
Dad's Address - 516 Pearl St, Apt 9, Vevay, IN, 47043-8489
Type - Ranch Style Home.
Bathrooms - 1
Bedrooms - 3
Size - 1,100 sqft
Photo - https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?location=5545+Cuba+Rd%2C+Wilmington%2C+OH+45177&size=384x288&key=AIzaSyARFMLB1na-BBWf7_R3-5YOQQaHqEJf6RQ&source=outdoor&&signature=37Z8XeHlUcqxOs13Ba05JkXYJr0=


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Dad's Name - Shayne M. Duffield
Dad's Number - 937-383-0006
Dad's DOB - November 30th, 1982 (39 years old)
Mum's Name - Jacqueline S Duffield


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Discord - Vox the tv headed demon#5063