Dropped by:
  /$$$$$$            /$$                                  /$$$$$$  /$$                   /$$     /$$              
 /$$__  $$          | $$                                 /$$__  $$| $$                  | $$    | $$              
| $$  \__/ /$$   /$$| $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$       | $$  \__/| $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$    /$$$$$$ 
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 \______/  \____  $$|_______/  \_______/|__/             \______/ |__/  |__/ \_______/   \___/   \___/   \______/ 
           /$$  | $$                                                                                              
          |  $$$$$$/                                                                                              
┃Reason for Dox:                                           ┃
   ┃                  Table Of Contents                     ┃
   ┃                                                        ┃
   ┃    0x01  Introduction....................              ┃
   ┃    0x02  Victim..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x03  Social media....................              ┃                              
   ┃    0x04  Family..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x05  Database Entries................              ┃
┃                    0x01 Introduction                     ┃
This kid is a huge roleplayer that enjoys hitting off random
people for no reason.
He also thinks he's undoxable look at this shit LOL


he's really tough though! http://prntscr.com/qvr43c
Let's not forget that he uses CMD to ddos...

Mans still uses scripts to ddos too LOL

Tries to buzzword about a "server" but has been proven
that he has no knowledge at all about any kind of "servers"

guess i'm gonna be in his book after this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh well Victor.. i really hope you learn from this experience

He also called the cops on me.. http://prntscr.com/qvrgk9
Isn't that extremely cute?

Oh btw.. this is him shitting himself after he found out i 
was serious LOL:


Oh well... let's get going!

http://prntscr.com/qvrq32 Kinda cute btw c:
┃                    0x02 The Victim                       ┃
Alias: DeathNote
Full name: Victor Eggen Helgeland
Age: 15
Email: N/A
Phone: 90629193 (Registered under his moms name)
Address: Bestumveien 26, 0281 Oslo
Pictures of the victim: http://prntscr.com/qvrban (Him as a 7 year old)
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┃                           0x03 Social Media                          ┃
Twitter: https://twitter.com/geirhelgeland (Geir) 
Instagram: N/A
Snapchat: N/A
Spotify: (Too poor to afford Spotify)
Discord: DeathNote#9225
LinkedIn: https://no.linkedin.com/in/geir-helgeland-68b64026 (Geir)
LinkedIn: https://no.linkedin.com/in/bodil-irene-helgeland-66424731 (Bodil)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elsa.helgeland (Grandma)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victor.helgeland (Victim)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hilde.helgeland.75 (Mother)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/berdines.helgeland (Berdines)
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@victor.helgeland?utm_source=tt_21 (Victim)
yelp.ie: https://www.yelp.ie/biz/helgeland-elsa-oslo (Grandma)
medium.com: https://medium.com/@bodilirenehelgeland/followers (Bodil)
ekurs.nif.no: https://ekurs.nif.no/user/profile.php?id=4153 (Bengt)
┃                           0x04 Family Members                        ┃               
Full name: Hilde Helgeland (Mother)
Age: 30+
DOB: 15 December
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qvra7e 
Email: N/A
Address: Bestumveien 26, 0281 Oslo
Cell: N/A
Landline: N/A
Workplace: Patentstyret
Full name: Elsa Helgeland (grandma)
Age: 60+
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qvrfnb
Email: N/A
Address: Nedre Ullern Terrasse 1, 60280 Oslo
Cell: 90872840
Landline: 22506785
Full name: Geir Helgeland
Age: 20+
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qvrs4v (highkey looks like hes on speed LMAO)
Email: N/A 
Address: Minister Ditleffs vei 17B 0862 Oslo
Cell: 901 31 202
Landline: 47604482 / 22589300
Full name: Bodil Irene Helgeland
Age: 40+
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qvs20e
Email: N/A
Address: Gamle Herregårdsvei 41 168 Oslo
Cell: 90026005
Landline: 48282878 
Full name: Berdines Helgeland
Age: 60+
IRL: http://prntscr.com/qvs51y 
Email: N/A
Address: Refstadsvingen 10589 Oslo
Cell: 90838363
Landline: N/A
Workplace: Pensjonist
Full name: Bengt Kristian Helgeland
Address: Vetlandsveien 68 0685 Oslo
Full name: Anders Helgeland
Landline: 477 53 229
Address: Lindebergåsen 46C1068 Oslo

Next time you fuck with someone, don't insult the person doxing you if
you're just gonna beg him to stop afterwards.
Hope you've learned and that you quit ddosing g, but that's up to you!
Btw, i'll be waiting for the police since you called them :).