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today at Tuesday, July 4, 2023 9:35 PM (EDT)


Full Name: Dawn Michelle Jammerman
Address: 412 Water St #1, Darby, Montana, 59840
Phone Number: 406-369-2361
VRChat Username: Tiny Diamond

Regarding the situation you mentioned, there is a parent who allegedly abuses her adult son, who is currently 25 years old. 

The son's VRChat username is Galaxy Beast, and his real name is Eric.

According to the information provided, the parent speaks poorly of her son's lover, claiming that he is a "bad person." However, the person sharing this

information personally knows Eric's lover and attests to their character being good. The parent seems to exert control over her son's actions until

he moves in with his lover. There seems to be tension between Eric and his parent, as an incident occurred during a BBQ Pot Lock, 

resulting in the parent expressing dissatisfaction. The parent also accuses Eric of not spending time with family, although the claim is disputed, as Eric does spend time with his family when his lover is asleep. The person sharing this information believes that the parent has made Eric her slave by coercing him to do her bidding, despite Eric being an adult of 25 years. The person expressing concern believes that this parent's behavior should be addressed and stopped.

Please note that it is important to handle sensitive situations with care and respect. If you believe someone is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, 

it is recommended to contact local authorities or helpline services for assistance.


Making your son a slave is morally wrong and illegal in most jurisdictions around the world. There are several reasons 
why it is considered unethical and prohibited by law:

Violation of Human Rights: Slavery fundamentally violates the basic principles of human rights and dignity. Every individual, regardless of age, gender,

or any other characteristic, is entitled to freedom, autonomy, and the right to be treated with respect and equality. 

Enslaving your son deprives him of these fundamental rights.

Lack of Consent: Slavery involves the ownership and control of one person by another without their consent. It disregards

an individual's autonomy and their right to make decisions about their own life. As a parent, you have a responsibility to nurture and protect your child, 

not exploit or oppress them.

Exploitation and Abuse: Slavery is characterized by the exploitation and abuse of individuals for personal gain. 

Enslaved people are often subjected to harsh working conditions, physical and emotional abuse, and restricted freedoms. 

Inflicting such suffering upon your own child is a gross violation of their well-being and emotional development.

Social Progress: Slavery has been widely condemned throughout history as a grave injustice. Over time, 

societies have recognized the inherent harm and immorality of slavery and have worked to abolish it. 

Modern legal systems reflect this progress by explicitly outlawing slavery in various forms.

Laws against slavery vary from country to country, but many nations have ratified international conventions and treaties that explicitly prohibit 

slavery and related practices. For example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, 

recognizes that "no one shall be held in slavery or servitude" (Article 4). Additionally, national laws in most countries criminalize slavery, servitude, 

forced labor, and human trafficking, with specific protections in place for children.


If a parent abuses their power as a guardian, engaging in actions that harm both legal and protective measures can be taken. 
The specific consequences can vary depending on the jurisdiction and severity of the abuse,

Criminal Charges: Depending on the nature and severity of the abuse, the parent may face criminal charges. These can include charges such as child abuse, 
child neglect, assault, or other relevant offenses. If found guilty, the parent may be subject to fines, probation, imprisonment, or a combination of 
these penalties.

Restraining Orders or Protective Orders: Courts can issue restraining orders or protective orders to protect the child from further harm. 
These legal orders prohibit the abusive parent from having contact with the child or engaging in specific behaviors that 
could endanger the son's safety or well-being.

Termination of Parental Rights: In extreme cases where the abuse is severe or ongoing, the court may decide to terminate the parental rights 
of the abusive parent. This means that the parent would no longer have legal rights or responsibilities towards the son, 
and the son can placed under the care of another suitable guardian.

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