**********OP David Nappi**********

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Short description: David Nappi is an Very disturbing pedophile that idolizes Charles Manson
and has disturbing fantasies about children

**Quick Basic Info**

 **Basic Info**

Name:  *Main*: David Nappi

Full Name: David Doyle Nappi

Nickname #1: Dave

Nickname #2: DJ

--Also known as:--

1. DJ

Address: 3908 Monogram Ave Long Beach  CA  90808-2251

Age:  in his 40s  ( 43 Years old )

Located in: California

Phone Number #1: +1 562-822-5528


David Nappi- A male in around his mid/late 40s.

Seems to clearly show symptoms/signs of multiple personality disorder/schizophrenia.


Looks for young children to do inappropriate things with.


Has a sexual fart fetish mainly about children farting, and tries to find children that will fart in his face, and so that David could:  

"Put his nose on the children's butts & smell them".

Pretty much every single time David makes a new video, his appearance changes, as with his multiple personality characters/current personality.


David has extreme anger issues and often lots of times displays his anger by yelling,  swearing,  throwing & breaking/smashing stuff


Possibly has bipolar aswell

Displays aggressive/violent anger issues

Clearly possibly shows what seems to be but is not made to be fully certain yet, but clearly displays the following:


1. Bipolar

2. Multiple Personality Disorder

3. Paranoia

4. Sexual attraction to children/pedophilia

5. Obsessive over people

6. Schizophrenia

Sometimes David also talks about certain  "special" subscribers that are fans of David, but David sometimes talks about his special subscribers in a extremely overly-obsessive way/manor

David also receives packages from some of his subscribers and goes as far as literally crying about how much he  "Love's" the people that gave David the package. Along with David sometimes literally puts his nose on the packagesand smells the packages, and then puts his mouth on the packages & kisses them a bunch of times in a row.

Says " I'm not a predator and I don't need no F*#$Ing mental health services! "


2 of his character personalities are children, 1 named DJ and the other named Jack or Jake

Overly on a daily basis says how he likes children farting

In a lot of David's videos he constantly says how he is going to shutdown his YouTube channel

Along with the above paragraph about how he sometimes receives packages from some of his subscribers, paragraph repeated; 

" David also receives packages from some of his subscribers and goes as far as literally crying about how much he  "Love's" the people that gave David the package. Along with David sometimes literally puts his nose on the packagesand smells the packages, and then puts his mouth on the packages & kisses them a bunch of times in a row. "

David also sometimes is specific of what the packages David receives, 

And receives underwear,  pants and more from children and other people.
And or anything that David can manage to get from people, such as;




And more!



**Names of friends David Nappi is friends with but they are children:**

1. Jake

2. Ryan

3. Anthony

4. Banana monkey  ( or banana muffin? )

5. Phantom overlord

6. Banana Nugget

7. Flame Lazer

8. Deathy Clause ( David Nappi annoyed Deathy Clause so much to the point where Deathy Clause got angry and uncomfortable and made a video about David Nappi )

**NOTES #1**

David also at some times babbles/mumbles The following:

"Why should I have people and kids hating me?"

"Why should I have people and kids hating me, and leaving nasty and F**ked up comments about S**t I don't want to hear, I dread to hear but I finally get them blocked."

**NOTES #2**

*Stuff he sometimes rambles on about*

David will be talking about something and then almost if he snaps into another different person, starts talking about on and on how he hates the world and himself.

One of his character/personalities is terrified of being "over-weight"  , "way too fat"   and that he starts breaking down almost crying because he wants to lose weight.

David as noted before in previous notes has said before that he does not want to be living anymore and brags to the internet of how he has a noose that he would use whenever he gets angry either from losing one of his children friends, or from other things.

Some videos David says that he Will use his noose and in some other videos David says that he Will not harm or do anything to himself.

David also is known to constantly spam comments and or messages on people's videos or messages if David does not get replies back. When David see's that noone is messaging or commenting back, he will continue to keep spamming/messaging about 10-80 comments/messages in a row.
Still, if no one commentsor messages back then David will then begin typing/making rude, hate comments and even sometimes threaten people if they do not reply. If they do not reply, he begins threatening stuff like; 

"I Hate you! Your stupid all of your friends hate me!"

"I Hate you and I am going to kill myself because of you!" 

And more!

(Meanwhile the people that David Nappi is talking about and making threats to, actually did nothing wrong, and did nothing to David ever!)


**Videos Of David, Some of him talking about children, sexual stuff, animals/dead animals/animal abuse, and a lot more included**

1. Animal Abuse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atJLBd_3AgA

2. Animal #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cK5PtQVCucE

3. Animal #2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pAo43Y-xoQo

4. Animal #3: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wOJkl7FBKro

5. Animal #4: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UG38pJMqPOY

6. Animal #5:  **He Deleted It**

7. Animal #6: **He Deleted It**

8. Animal #7: **He Deleted It**

9. "Feel my butt": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NsIccRA36DA

10. Anthony package #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kuvU9qtthk

11. Anthony package #2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wwenKX0LDig

12. Anthony stuff #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JMuk_lPFmK0

13. Anthony stuff #2: **He Deleted It**

14. Anthony stuff #3: **He Deleted It**

15. Anthony stuff  #4: **He Deleted It**

16. Anthony stuff #5: **He Deleted It**

17. Anthony's Pants: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t6OTFuEsypI

18. Anthony crunching on something: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R_D_S9CIEOM

19. Where are Anthony's Pants: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WM9GFAlBVFQ

20. Smelling Anthony's Package: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cMDmAxcWwDE

21. Mental Health Services #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tfk8jsV-eAI

22. Mental Health Services #2: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xkoHukEmD7M

23. Mental Health Services #3: **He Deleted It**

24. Mental Health Services #4: **He Deleted It**

25. Dedication #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSvQQznhBM

26. Dedication #2: **He Deleted It**

27. Dedication #3: **He Deleted It**

28. Being Judged #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IEu2Tp753Q4

29. Being Judged #2: **He Deleted It**

30. Being Judged #3: **He Deleted It**

31. Being Judged #4: **He Deleted It**

32. Quitting YouTube #1: **He Deleted It**

33. Quitting YouTube #2: **He Deleted It**

34. Quitting YouTube #3: **He Deleted It**

35. Quitting YouTube #4: **He Deleted It**

36. Quitting YouTube #5: **He Deleted It**

37. Goodbye #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik6650zjUDs

38. Goodbye #2: **He Deleted It**

39. Goodbye #3: **He Deleted It**

40. Goodbye #4: **He Deleted It**

41. Box of chocolates: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yaimPnOs7B8

42. Goodbye / kids clothing/ predator: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik6650zjUDs

43. Blog/Threat #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pDF9hD4hFHY

44. Mad about losses/little boy hurt by rope: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kUFw1o20lBo

45. Angry freak out #1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ot5T2h9jLhY

46. Angry freak out #2: **He Deleted It**

47. Angry freak out #3: **He Deleted It**

48. Angry freak out #4: **He Deleted It**

49. Speaking about Anthony: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qR7k4qrdIqU

50. Look at woody: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4NIRl2Qe04

51. What I got from Anthony in England: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wwenKX0LDig

**NOTES #3**

He's going to end up literally killing somone or his mother's dog, the last few videos he's been showing abusive physical actions towards his mother's dog, literally throwing objects at the dog ( books, a large PLASTIC outside lawn chair that he grabbed from outside, and hitting / smacking the dog with his mother's cane ) along side with the animal abuse he also forces his mother's dog to go outside of the house and David makes the dog go outside of the house by stomping his feet loudly on the ground, and scaring the dog by making large fast hand movements, which causes the dog to run outside terrified and shaking!

Because things are escalating and not for the good, But for the bad! He's doing more animal abuse AND usually a lot of times David usually has his house all to himself for an entire week he has the house to himself, and he's been hurting his mother's dog hitting it and throwing chairs at it! 

I think ( but I might be wrong ) but I think David pushed the mothers dog in front of a moving vehicle and tried getting it killed /hit.

**NOTES #4**

David the past few months of;

" July and August of 2018 "

David the past 2 months has continued and still is continuing on doing the same stuff as explained at the top areas of this page,  He's still going after children wanting them to be David's friends. 

David has also been getting more aggressive with both of what he says / talks about and what he does.
He's repeatedly been talking about things inappropriately and has had other people notice this and call him out about it which David responded back by bullying and calling literally ANYONE that calls David a pedophile, or calls David disgusting, to which anyone that calls David a pedophile or disgusting David calls the people " sickos "  And then goes on saying that he hopes the people that calls him names dies.

Along with David saying that he hopes people that call him names die, David also has said numerous times that
if anyone ever showed up at David's house, that David would  " murder "  them. 

Another thing that David has done, was during one of the times when Somone was calling David out about David being a pedophile, David has shutdown his instagram account and also his main Facebook account.

And David's new Facebook account is:  https://www.facebook.com/david.nappi.3979

Sidenote:  David also makes Facebook live streams threatening people saying he will harm them if they go near him.

David's NEW Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/david.nappi.963 ( Now useless as he deleted it )

*One of David's recent videos*

David's Latest Video about a decomposing cat, that he might of
put In a plastic grocery bag and tied the handles of the bag
closed so that the cat couldn't get out of the bag.
And left it to have suffocated to death.  :(    

David's Latest
Video about a decomposing cat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOnI19Ekkec

* Zip folder with vile photos of David Nappi of what he threatens to
Do to himself if children willnot be David's friend*


* Detailed videos exposing David Nappi for being a pedophile *

David Exposed 1: https://file.io/Anr6Qt

David Exposed 2: https://file.io/jijOBe

Mini Vid For David 1: https://file.io/ppBWbh

Mini Vid For David 2: https://file.io/YmEe1D

*Pictures Of David Nappi*

David as his child personality DJ:


David:     https://imgur.com/a/aJ3kikP

David with his newer version of his child personality DJ:


More of David as his child personality DJ: 


David as his child girl personality and wearing a dress:


David in his backyard hitting something with a shovel:


David swinging the shovel at something:


**Address Along with Address Info**

Address: 3908 Monogram Ave Long Beach  CA  90808-2251

Postal Carrier Route: C022    

Address Type: Residential

Name at Address: RIP & JILL ROCKSTAD

Time Zone: (Local time)Pacific Time: ( 5/29/2018 8:03:14 AM )

Census Entities: City:  Long Beach 0643000 

County: Los Angeles 06037 

Tract: 5737.00 

Block: 1006 

County Subdivision: Long Beach-Lakewood 

Schools: 0622500 Long Beach Unified 

Congress Rep: Alan Lowenthal (D) (47 Years old)   

State Upper District: 033  

State Lower District: 070  

Estimated Market Value: $748,000.00

Year Assessed: 2017

Assesed Value Total: $126,931

Assesed Value Land: $37,151 

Assesed Value Improvements:	$89,780

Tax Bill Amount: $1,881 

Year Built: 1953

Local Zoned Code: LBR1N 

Building Area (sf): 2018

**More Info About The Address**

Area 1st Floor: 1 

Area 2nd Floor: 2

Total Floors In Home: 2

Total Rooms In Home: 10

Total Bathrooms In Home: 2

Area Lot (acres): 0.1419

Area Lot (sf): 6180.00

Area Parking Garage (sf): 0

Full name of home owner and OR owner(s): ROCKSTAD,DANA A & CATHIE L ETAL

**Near local post office info**

Delivery Post Office: Spring Carrier Annex 3019 N Bellflower 
Blvd Long Beach  CA  90808

Post Office Phone number: 562-496-3776


David Nappi, it's time to wake up.
It's time after time again, that you continue to do the same thing. What you are doing is beyond wrong.
It is also illegal. I know that you do not believe in any law.
You believe in what ever, you want to believe in.
But, the things you have said so many times.
The things that you say are wrong. Very wrong.
You say you are not a person that is attracted to boys.
You say you do not have a interest in boys farting.
You say you do not want to do inappropriate
things regarding children's butts. Let me say this. If 
you do not like or have interest in any those things, then
why do you keep bringing them up by talking about them.
You talk about them almost every single day.
If you do not like having what you call to be false 
accusations, then you should have thought carefully of
What comes out of your mouth.
Think before you Speak.
Think before your actions.
Think before you do things to people, or else it might
hurt their feelings. OR get you into serious trouble.
David. Listen again. You stated that you
Want boys to fart in your face. You crave it.
You crave it so much, that you will do anything that
You can do, just to drive people away, and to be your friend.
Not only do you drive people away.
But, you also force people into doing things.
Specifically children. You beg and force until people either break down and yell at you. Or you beg and force until people stop being your friend. And another thing. You threaten children.
You threaten to hurt yourself, or hurt Children if they
Will not be your friend. That is very wrong.
David. Do you enjoy being famous? You should get used to the fame now. Because you are now famous.
David Doyle Nappi. This is game over.
Your worst nightmare is only, just getting started.
You are a danger to children. You think it's okay to talk to or about children, Like You do? Your one of a million, but not In a good way! Your one of a million of all of the
Other pedophiles out in this world. Your sick minded. No wonder all of your So call friends don't like you. It's because they found out that you are a pedophile!
I don't know 1 single person in their right mind
that Records themselves using the toilet.
That's disgusting! And your fart fetish Obsession with farts? Yes everyone has things That they like, BUT when, an adult starts to involve Children into things.... then that's not right and it's what gets people like you internet famous! But oh sorry for the short notice but it's not a good kind of famous.
You idolize notorious serial killer Charles Manson....
You idolize him to the point where you actually made yourself look like him. That's disturbing and creepy!
You are inappropriate.
You are a pedophile.
You are an animal abuser.
You are a adult.
You receive clothing from children.
You are not a kid.
You are not a child.
David Doyle Nappi. This is game over.
You have said, that you do not lie.
By you saying that, right there was a lie.
You sit and constantly, report channels.
You report channels until you get them banned.
You should not have done that. Especially, you should not have gotten a few, of our Members channels banned.
You should not have done that. David Doyle Nappi.
We will keep coming back. We are Anonymous. Anonymous does not quit. David Doyle Nappi.
You have said, that you do not lie. By you saying that, right there was a lie. You sit and constantly, report channels. You report channels until you get them banned. You should not have done that. Especially, you should not have gotten a few, of our Members channels banned. People make mistakes. That's life. But when you report our Members channels until they are banned. Then that is a "VERY" very big mistake.
Your worst nightmare is only, just getting started.
Welcome to your worst 
nightmare, "DAVID!"

That is all for now, Thank you for reading.

#Anonymous  #OPDeathEaters #WolfSec  #AnonGhost  #StopPedophiles  #OPDavidNappi  #2018









We Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.
Expect Us!
We Are Many.
United as One, Divided By Zero.
We Are Those That Lurk In The Dark Shadows.
We give a voice to the voiceless!
Hand in hand!
Helping and hearing people's cry for help!
We are the numberless! 
We are the one's creating the next best idea!
We ARE the idea!
And ideas are bulletproof!
United as one,  divided by none.
We are heavier than a hurricane!
We are louder than thunder!
We are,  Anonymous!
Some people though, just see the
negative parts of us Anonymous..........
But, there are also lots of people
that also see the good that we do!
We are hero's!
We are Helpers!
We are survivors!
We are fighters!
We are Elders!
And at the end of each day,
We are Human!
We stand up for the weak!
We deliver a message!
We give, Peace, Hope & Love.
We Are, Anonymous!
David Nappi, You Should Expect Us!