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Reason = Retarded pagan polack nigger who thinks he is impenetrable.

Kill poles. Behead poles. Roundhouse kick a poles into the concrete. Slam dunk a poles baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy poles. Defecate in a poles food. Launch poles into the sun. Stir fry poles in a wok. 
Toss poles into active volcanoes. Urinate into a poles gas tank. Judo throw poles into a wood chipper. Twist poles heads off. Report poles to the IRS. Karate chop poles in half. Curb stomp pregnant poles. 
Trap poles in quicksand. Crush poles in the trash compactor. Liquefy poles in a vat of acid. Eat poles. Dissect poles. Exterminate poles in the gas chamber. Stomp poles' skulls with steel toed boots. 
Cremate poles in the oven. Lobotomize poles. Mandatory abortions for poles. Grind poles' fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown poles in fried chicken grease. Vaporize poles with a ray gun. Kick old poles down 
the stairs. Feed poles to alligators. Slice poles with a katana.


Credits: g59 and o96o
(I am lazy, I will edit this paste if we find more information.)

 |              DETAILS                   |
Template by g59/o96o

Known Aliases: sewerjam, DavidGores, 7et, Kowalski, lech, lechitewarrior, lechinische, throwfactor, JakobOsprey, AlbaJudge

Name = Simon
Last Name = Wysocki
Full Address = 38 Claygate, Maidstone ME15 7BJ, UK

Discord = someonestolemymilk#3776
ID: 1126622773326905444
 Extra Info: 
   Emails: throwfactor78@gmail.com
Race = Polish Latvian
Age = 15
DOB: 1 June 2008
Hair color = Black
Eye color = T50
(If you're confused by this, see below.)

|                 Mother                   |     

Name = Hanna Wysocki
Hair Color = Black
Eye Color = T50
Full Address = 38 Claygate, Maidstone ME15 7BJ, UK
Phone Number: +4407888075616 (Probably Outdated)

|                 Father                   |

Name = Jakub Wysocki
Hair Color = Black
Eye Color = T50
Full Address = 38 Claygate, Maidstone ME15 7BJ, UK
Phone Number: +4407769891201 (Probably Outdated)
Email: jwysocki518@gmail.com

|                 Sister                   |

Name: Myrna Wysocki
Full Address = 38 Claygate, Maidstone ME15 7BJ, UK

|          Pictures of the individual      |


Picture of house: https://imgur.com/Vp09vzm

Funny vid

|                Socials                   |

Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/4647711054/profile
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/pisswankermonkeyniggersex
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RuneIdentity (Current)
   Previous: https://twitter.com/lechitewarrior

Telegram: @lechinische

|                 EDUCATION                |

Name: Valley Park School
Country: United Kingdom
County =  Kent
Town = Maidstone
Postcode = ME14 5DT
Full Address = Huntsman Lane, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5DT

|          ALL IP ADDRESS  INFO            |

Country: UK
Region: Leeds
City: Leeds
ISP: Virgin Media Limited

IP address(es)

Coordinates of IP: 53.7945 / -1.5524


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