/$$                           /$$                                           
                      | $$                          | $$                                           
  /$$$$$$  /$$   /$$ /$$$$$$    /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ 
 /$$__  $$|  $$ /$$/|_  $$_/   /$$__  $$ /$$__  $$|_  $$_/ |____ /$$/ /$$__  $$| $$__  $$ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$$$ \  $$$$/   | $$    | $$  \ $$| $$  \__/  | $$      /$$$$/ | $$  \ $$| $$  \ $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_____/  >$$  $$   | $$ /$$| $$  | $$| $$        | $$ /$$ /$$__/  | $$  | $$| $$  | $$| $$_____/
|  $$$$$$$ /$$/\  $$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$/| $$        |  $$$$//$$$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$
 \_______/|__/  \__/   \___/   \______/ |__/         \___/ |________/ \______/ |__/  |__/ \_______/

   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                           DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║
                                                  |        | ___\          /~~~| DID
                                                 _:_______|/'(..)`\_______/  | | YOU     
                                                <_|``````  \__~~__/       ___|_| EXPECT
                                                  :\_____(=========,   ,--\__|_/ THIS?!
                                                  |       \       /---'
                                                            |     /

          _  _
         ( `   )_
        (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)
                                                                                                    _  _
                                                                                                  ( `   )_
                                                                                                 (    )    `)
                                                                                               (_   (_ .  _) _)                                               
                        ║                                                                        ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗        ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x00 Table Of Contents      ║                 ║                    
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x01 Introduction           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Face Pic(s)            ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Basics                 ║                 ║         _  _        
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║        ( `   )_                                   
                        ║                ║         0x04 Address                ║                 ║       (    )    `)
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║    (_   (_ .  _) _)                                            
                        ║                ║         0x05 Socials                ║                 ║     
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x06 Education              ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x07 Employment             ║                 ║                            
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                   
                        ║                ║         0x08 IP                     ║                 ║          
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                               
                        ║                ║         0x09 Emails                 ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                         
                        ║                ║         0x010 Passwords             ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║           
                        ║                ║         0x011 Mom                   ║                 ║
     _  _               ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
    ( `   )_            ║                ║         0x012 Dad                   ║                 ║
  (    )    `)          ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
(_   (_ .  _) _)        ║                ║         0x013 Parents contact       ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x014 Family lineage        ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x015 Outro + credits       ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝        ║
                        ║                                                                        ║
          _  _                                                      _  _
         ( `   )_                                                  ( `   )_
        (    )    `)                                             (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)                                         (_   (_ .  _) _) 
   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                           DOXED BY ExtortZone)║

                Today I will introduce the dox of A man who goes by Sagar Jangid who claims  DarkWeb Hacker/Hitman who decided
                to be a hitman and who made the mistake of giving out his first and last name on his
                Darkweb link. I also found it kind of funny how the doxbin com can find
                information on people better than the government LMFAO, (I am not talking
                 about these wannabe harmful skids who provide barely any information on their dox.)
                 Now enough yapping let's get to the dox.
                                  Enjoy The Dox - Made By Extortzone                                        
   ║ 0x02                       Face Pic(s)                                                             DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

                                            _Face Pic / funny memes____________________
                                           │ https://ibb.co/Qc9sksv                  |
                                           │ https://files.offshore.cat/8Q85ofRZ.jpg |
                                           │ https://files.offshore.cat/QVy8fFyz.jpg |
                                           │ https://files.offshore.cat/SWqYMQM9.jpg |

   ║ 0x03                       Basic                                                                   DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

                                           ˅ Name............ Sagar Jangid        
                                           │ Name altnerative
                                           │ Alias........... Sagar     
                                           │ Alias........... Sagar jangid jaipur        

                                           ˅ DOB............ June 1962                                                   
                                           │ Age............ 62
                                           │ Sex............ Male        
                                           │ Sexuality...... straight   
                                           ˅ Number......... (925) 997-8425                                       
                                           │ Provider....... AT&T                             
                                           │ Assigned too... Sagar jangid jaipur (hitman)                                 

   ║ 0x04                       Address                                                                 DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

                                           ˅ Address............ 197 Lucy Ln San Ramon CA 94582
                                           │ SQFT............... 2,858
                                           │ Bedrooms........... 4
                                           │ Bathrooms.......... 3   
                                           │ Last house listing.  

                                           ˅ Tax rate...........  
                                           │ Estimated Equity $1,167,392 
         _                                 │ Estimated Value $1,676,000     
       _│=│__________                     │ Last Sale Amount $797,000    
      /              \                     │ Last Sale Date 10/23/2012    
     /                \                    ˄     
     ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││                  
     ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││                    
  ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( )                 

   ║ 0x05                       Socials                                                                 DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║


 		             _/   /
 		            //   /
 		           //   /
 		       _  / ││ \  ^o
 		       \\/ ()_) \.
 		        ^^ <__> \()
 		         //_││_\\      -Target spotted!
 		        // \││/ \\
 		       //   ││   \\
 		      \/    │/    \/
 		      /     │      \
 		     /      │       \
   ║ 0x06                       Education                                                               DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

 		     		           ˅ Schools Name San Ramon Valley Unified School District
 		     		           │ Principal........?
           . 	 		           │ Website.......... https://www.srvusd.net/
          /_\  		     		   │ Phone Number.....925-552-5500
          |Q|	                           │ Grade............?
    .-----' '-----.  		           ˄
    | []       [] |
    | []       [] |
    |	 .-.-.	  |                        

   ║ 0x07                       Employment                                                              DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

 		     		           ˅ Employment......... Software Engineer
 		     		         \'\     __________  
 		     		         / '|   ()_________)
 		     		         \ '/    \ SIGN YOUR\
 		     		           \       \SOUL HERE \
 		     		           ==).      \ (Smyan) \
 		     		          (__)       ()__________)
   ║ 0x08                       IP info                                                                 DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

 		     		           ˅ IP: I can't get it :(((
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        
 		     		           ˅ IP: can't get
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        
 		     		           ˅ IP: can't get
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        

                                         .-.          ~Scanning IP's~
                                           \ _.--l--._
                                          . \    │     `.
                                        .` `.\   │    .` `.
                                      .`     `\  │  .`     `.             ~Detecting Ports!~  
                                     / __      \.│.`      __ \                                          
                                     │   ''--._ \V  _.--''   │
                                     │        _ (") _        │              
                                     │ __..--'   ^   '--..__ │ _
                                     \         .`│`.         /-.)                      
                                      `.     .`  │  `.     .`                                                                              
                                        `. .`    │    `. .`                                                    
                                          `._    │    _.`│                          ~Cool robotic noises~                                                              
                                              `--l--`  │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                   
                                                       │ │                                      
                                                       │ │                               
                                                       │ │    
                                                       │ │   
                                                       │ │ 
                                                       │ │  
                                                       │ │                             
   ║ 0x09                       Email                                                                   DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║
                                      .`.        `.
                                     /   \ .======.\                      Emails
                                     │   │ │______││		       1 rajesys@home.com
                                     │   │   _____ │		       2 ssinha@iraje.com
                                     │   │  /    / │	           3 shalinijaip@gmail.com
                                     │   │ /____/  │		       4 sjaipuriyar@adelphia.net
                                     │ _ │         │		       
                                     │/ \│.-"```"-.│		       		
                                     `` │││      │││	
                                        `"`      `"   
                                     EMAIL BREACHES
	      	                    (email 1) 
                                          │ ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ rajesys@home.com
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│

	      	                    (email 2) 
                                          │ ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ ssinha@iraje.com
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│

	      	                    (email 3) 
                                          │ ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ shalinijaip@gmail.com
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│
                                          │   │──│

   ║  0x10                     Passwords                                                                DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║   

   ║ 0x011                      Mom                                                                     DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

 		     		           ˅ Mother..... Shalini Jaipuriyar                                                                                                                   
   ║ 0x012                      Dad                                                                     DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

 		     		           ˅ Father..... Smyan Jaipuriyar                                                                                                                    

   ║ 0x013                       Parents contact                                                        DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║

                                           ˅ Father.......
                                           │Phone number.. (925) 718-5516

                                           ˅ Mother.......
                                           │Phone number.. (925) 997-8452
                                           │Email......... ssinha@iraje.com
                                           │Socials....... rajesys@home.com
                                           │Socials....... shalinijaip@gmail.com

   ║ 0x14                       Family Lineage                                                          DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║
	              (Use fastpeoplesearch.com to obtain lineage.)
                                           │         wtf is that                                                              
   ║ 0x15                       Outro n' credits                                                        DOXED BY (ExtortZone)║
   Credits for format -- https://doxbin.net/user/snazzy
