Lanaguage: Lithuanian
Firstname: Linas
Lastname: Beringis
SurName: Lin
Online Alias:  Dark_Lazer
Birthday: 08-23-2001
Age: 17
Marital Status: single
children: none
Relatives Name(s): none
SSN: 558 21 4987
Sex: male
Race: white
Eye color: blue
Hair color: brown
Weight: 70
Height: 180cm
Email Accounts:
Yahoo: LinasBeringis@yahoo.com
Gmail: LinasBeringis69@gmail.com
Outlook: none
Other: Spotify: none
Company/ Place of Work: none
Position: none
Salary: none
Credit card number: 4569 4500 3761 8840
Security Code: 597
Expiration Month: 01
Expiration Year: 2022
School(s) Institutions: Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (VGTU)
Education: IT
Degree: None
Current: Yes
City: Vilnius
State: None
Country: Lithuania
Address: 34 S. Moniuskos g.
Zip Code: 00107
Geo coordinates: 54.8932 23.2073
Places Lived: 
- none
- none
- none
Cell Phone Carrier: payphone
Home Number: (370) 488 5697
Cell Number: none
Primary Cell: none
Extra PhoneNumber(s): none
Social Media-Accounts: 
Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/linas.beringis/about?section=year-overviews&lst=100010767397230%3A100037310174688%3A1564262424
Instagram -none
Youtube -Dark_Cracker
Twitter -none
Snapchat -none
Discord -Dark_Lazer#7609
Google+ -none
Kik -none
Vrchat Usernames: 
- DarkLazer
- Dark_Lazer
- CookeMaker
- Dark_Lazer13
- Dark_Lazer12
- Dark-Lazer
- none
- none
- none
Criminal Background: no
Charges: none
Time Served:  none
Vin Number: 1HGBH41JXMN109186
License plate Number: JKG 68Y
Vehicle Year: 1994
Vehicle Color: blue
vehicle Name: Beetle
IPv6: dont have
DNS: noen
Reverse DNS: none
ASN Number: none
HostName: none
ISP (Internet Service Provider): Omnitel
Browser User-Agent: Dark