IP: Region: South Denmark Country: Denmark Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen Cellular Network: ✅ Proxy/VPN: ❎ Reverse DNS: 87-49-44-78-mobile.dk.customer.tdc.net ----------------------------------------------- Computer Name: DESKTOP-12MHRLB Computer OS: Microsoft Windows 11 Home Total Memory: 8 GB UUID: 62D371AA-FABE-11E3-AB67-23FD3E212A00 CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (192-bit) Product Key: 37GNV-YCQVD-38XP9-T848R-FC2HD ------------------------------------------------ Real Life name: Nikolaj Vogt Display name:PIKMIN !!! (Discord) Username: milo.ds (Discord) Email: vogtnikolaj@yahoo.com Discord ID: 811146947833888778 ------------------- NSFW PICTURE THAT WAS SENT TO A MINOR https://files.catbox.moe/tdmw2c.jpg (Takes longer to show up) ------------------------------------- Passwords: https://anonymfile.com/LKP51/bjarne-passwords.rar ALL OF HIS PASSWORDS ARE INCLUDED IN THE LINK + COOKIES Reason for dox: A retarded fat cunt that likes to text minors