                     YOU KILLED BY MERKA1RU AND AJJR
                      IT WAS NECESSARY NOT TO THREATEN

                 ## Information about Danila Dobrovenko

                 [+] **Email:** dobrovenko19@yandex.ru  
                 [+] **Registration Date:** 2023-02-25  
                 [+] **Date of Birth:** 2009-09-19  
                 [+] **Citizenship:** Russian Federation  
                 [+] **Full Name:** Dobrovenko Danila Andreevich  
                 [+] **Gender:** Male  
                 [+] **Status:** Student

                 [Father of Danila Dobrovenko]

                 [+] **Date:** 10.05.2022  
                 [+] **Date of Birth:** 01.08.1975  
                 [+] **Address:** 643,295024,91,,SIMFEROPOL G,,1 KONNOY ARMII UL,74A,,34  
                 [+] **Department:** MOSP on OIP UFSSP of Russia in the Republic of Crimea  
                 [+] **Full Name:** Dobrovenko Andrey Vitalievich  
                 [+] **SNILS Number:** 18286517101  
                 [+] **Taxpayer Number:** 910210032730  
                 [+] **Amount:** 500  
                 [+] **Passport Number:** 3914024223  
                 [+] **Region:** 82

                 [Mother and Father]
                 [+] **Email:** dobrovenkoav@gmail.com  
                 [+] **Work Phone:** 89788496387  
                 [+] **Phone:** 79787379670  
                 [+] **Registration Date:** 1995-09-05T  
                 [+] **Date of Birth:** 1975-08-01T  
                 [+] **House Number:** 74A  
                 [+] **Street:** 1 Konnoy Armii ul  
                 [+] **City:** Simferopol g  
                 [+] **Place of Birth:** G. SIMFEROPOL KRYMSKAYA OBL. UKRAINIAN SSR  
                 [+] **Department Code:** 910-002  
                 [+] **Workplace:** "GUP RK ""CHERNOMORNEFTEGAZ"""  
                 [+] **Job Title:** Lead Engineer UOK  
                 [+] **Apartment Number:** 34  
                 [+] **Postal Code:** 295024  
                 [+] **Workplace Address:** 295023, Crimea Republic, Simferopol g, Kirova pr-kt, house № 52  
                 [+] **Pensioner Status:** False  
                 [+] **Income:** 120000  
                 [+] **SNILS Number:** 18286517101  
                 [+] **Issue Date:** 2020-09-09T  
                 [+] **Passport Number:** 503320  
                 [+] **Contact Person Phone:** 79787379671  
                 [+] **Contact Person Phone:** 79788665063  
                 [+] **Region:** Crimea Republic  
                 [+] **Relationship with Contact Person:** CivilSpouse  
                 [+] **Contact Person:** Belous Sergey Alexandrovich  
                 [+] **Contact Person:** Dobrovenko Tatyana Sergeevna  
                 [+] **Gender:** 1  
                 [+] **Issued By:** MVD of the Republic of Crimea  
                 [+] **Passport Series:** 3920  
                 [+] **Location:** Crimea Republic  
                 [+] **Surname:** Dobrovenko  
                 [+] **Name:** Andrey  
                 [+] **Patronymic:** Vitalievich


                 [+] **Email:** veresksugar@gmail.com  
                 [+] **Phone:** 79785913477  
                 [+] **Registration Date:** 2023-05-14  
                 [+] **Date of Birth:** 2007-02-21  
                 [+] **Address:** 295022, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol g, Bela Kuna ul, d.13  
                 [+] **Citizenship:** Russian Federation  
                 [+] **School:** Municipal budgetary general education institution 'Secondary general education school № 23' of the municipal formation of the city district of Simferopol of the Republic of Crimea  
                 [+] **Education:** Simferopol  
                 [+] **Full Name:** Dobrovenko Ksenia Andreevna  
                 [+] **Class:** 10  
                 [+] **Region:** Republic of Crimea  
                 [+] **Country:** Russian Federation  
                 [+] **Gender:** Female  
                 [+] **Status:** Student