Name: Danielis Sogaris Ortega

Country: Venezuela 

City: Caracas

Age: 17

Home Phone Number: N/A

Phone Number: Waiting till a friend who get it connect, DM me on discord if u want it

Doctor in charge of her birth: Villasmil Prieto 

Hospital that she burned: Centro de salud
publica de venezuela.

Her daddy is 3 meters underground cause of coronavirus. 

The only pic of her that I will release on here:


Facebook: Danielis Ortega
Instagram: @Danieeliss
Discord: Danieeliss#1101 | 524949163776016385

IP Address: DM me on discord I’m making this on my phone lol I’m getting it when I get on pc, Thanks for playing on my server btw

DM on discord for:
(Pics of her home in google maps)
(Zings And nudes that she maked for me “trying to apologize”)
(Mom and uncles information, “DEP Mister Ortega)

Stop being a fake shit and scamming kids lol 
