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Reason: Daniel Larson is a sick pedophile that goes to places where kids under 15 would go to such as playgrounds, schools, indoor trampoline parks, daycares, neighborhoods with little kids, etc.
Daniel is widely known on TikTok and Instagram with 25k followers on TikTok and 1.4k on Instagram. On both platforms, he uploads creepy fucking selfies and reposts of little girls doing TikTok dances. 
He tries to hide the fact that he's a pedophile by trying to be a fashion model and a professional singer but that only brought more attention to his account and made people realize that he is a sick and vile human.
Around a few month back, Daniel openly admitted to having 500 Megabytes of Child Pornography on his laptop while intoxicated. He confirmed this on one of his Instagram livestreams a few weeks back and told the people viewing the stream that he had more CP on his laptop than before.
He is also seen with 2-4 kids (around the ages 6-13) each time he livestreams or whenever they are minding their business in their house. With that being said, here is the doxx of Daniel Larson.

Daniel Robert Larson
8361 Solana Dr, Denver, CO 80229
-+Phone Number+-
Personal: (720) 487-2705
Business: (720) 381-1113
-+Social Media+-
Instagram: daniellarsonfans
TikTok: daniellarsonfans
(on both accounts, he is following thousands of little girls)
-+E-Mail Address+-
-+Voter Registration+-
Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Registered to Vote In:  Adams County, Colorado 
Registration Date:  02/05/2020
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 7213201119
Precinct Split: 1119
-+Business Website+-
Hostname: fra15s10-in-f14.1e100.net
Provider: GOOGLE
ASN: 15169
cite: https://tools.keycdn.com/



Video of him admitting to having 500 MB of Child Porn

If youre too much of a pussy to log in and decide to stay Anonymous to talk shit or to defend this pedophile, then i probably wont read your comment you durrie licking faggot LMAO

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