 $$$$$$\           $$\                           $$\                  
$$  __$$\          \__|                          $$ |                                         
$$ /  \__|$$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |                 
$$$$\    $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |               
$$  _|   $$ |  \__|$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ /  $$ |                
$$ |     $$ |      $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |             
$$ |     $$ |      $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$ |     ( And qvslu )  ( Fully redone  15/11/2023 ) 
\__|     \__|      \__| \_______|\__|  \__| \_______|      
                                                             Semi nsfw warning. 
       .''.      .        *''*    :_\/_:     .      |   ||.---------------------------------------------.||   |
      :_\/_:   _\(/_  .:.*_\/_*   : /\ :  .'.:.'.   | o |||                                             ||| o |
  .''.: /\ :   ./)\   ':'* /\ * :  '..'.  -=:o:=-   | _ |||     The Story Of daniel Larson.             ||| _ |
 :_\/_:'.:::.    ' *''*    * '.\'/.' _\(/_'.':'.'   |(_)|||      AKA ( The pedo "Singer song maker"     |||(_)|
 : /\ : :::::     *_\/_*     -= o =-  /)\    '  *   |   |||                                             |||   |
  '..'  ':::'     * /\ *     .'/.\'.   '            |.-.|||                                             |||.-.|
      *            *..*         :                   | o |||       Fully redone by friend.               ||| o |
        *                                           |`-'|||                                             |||`-'|                        
                                                           _||_                                     _||_         
                                                          /____\                                   /____\           
║               _                                                _                               (   .  )                                           _           ║
║             (`  ).                   _                     .+(`  )`.                          (   (   ))                                      .+(`  )`        ║
║            (     ).              .:(`  )`.               :(   .    )                           `- __.'                                       :(   .    )      ║
║)          _(       '`.          :(   .    )               `.  (    ) )                                                                  .--  `.  (    ) )     ║
║       .=(`(      .   )     .--  `.  (    ) )              (`  `  ) )                                                                 .=(   )   ` _`  ) )      ║
║      ((    (..__.:'-'   .+( ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗     (   .  )     (   )  ._   ║       
║`.    `(       ) )       (   ║                                                                                                  ║    (   (   ))     `-'.:(`  ) ║
║  )     ` __.:'   )     (   (║                                                                                                  ║    `- __.'         :(      ))║
║) )  ( )       --'       `- _║                                                                                                  ║                    `(    )  )║
║.-' (_.'          .')        ║                                     -= Table of Contents. =-                                     ║                      ` __.:' ║
║                 (_  )       ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                               0x01 - Reason / Intro                                              ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                             0x02 - #1 Socials                                                    ║          +              #####║
║                             ║                               0x03 - #2 Dan info                                                 ║         / \                  ║
║_____        _____     ______║                               0x04 - #3 Current info                                             ║________/ o \/\_______________║
║o o o|_______|    |___|      ║                               0x05 -#4 leaked videos and claims                                  ║         | | # # #  |____|o o ║
║o o o|  * * *|: ::|. .|      ║                               0x06 - #5 hash/leaked passwords                                    ║]  []  []|o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║o o o|* * *  |::  |. .| []  [║                                                                                                  ║]  []  []|o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║o o o|**  ** |:  :|. .| []  [║                             0x07 - #6 Court Records                                              ║]  []    |o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║_[]__|__[]___|_||_|__<|______║                               0x08 -#7 previous addresses                                        ║______;;_|_|___/\___|_.|_|____║
║                             ║                               0x09 -#8 reason why                                                ║                              ║
║                             ║                               0x10 - #9 More info                                                ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║          ___   ____         ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║        /' --;^/ ,-_\        ║                             0x11 - Credits                                                       ║                              ║
║       / / --o\ o-\ \\       ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║      /-/-/|o|-|\-\\|\\      ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║       '`  ` |-|   `` '      ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║             |-|             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║ 
║             |-|O            ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║             |-(\,__         ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║          ...|-|\--,\_....   ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║                                                                                                  ║      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║
║~~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║                                                                                                  ║~~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║
║                                                                                (_)                                                                            ║
║                                                                 --""-------   0/      ^^                                                                      ║
║                                                       .___...../ /__| |__\ \_/H__,      ^^                                                                    ║
║                                                        \                        /                                                                             ║
║                              .--------------------------\                                                                                                     ║
║                             /| _ .---. .---. .---. .---.|                                                                                                     ║
║                             |j||||___| |___| |___| |___||                                                                                                     ║
║                             |=|||=======================|                                                                                                     ║
║                                                _____      _                 _            _   _                                                                ║
║                                               |_   _|    | |               | |          | | (_)                                                               ║
║                                                 | | _ __ | |_ _ __ ___   __| |_   _  ___| |_ _  ___  _ __                                                     ║
║                                                 | || '_ \| __| '__/ _ \ / _` | | | |/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \                                                    ║
║                                                _| || | | | |_| | | (_) | (_| | |_| | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |                                                   ║
║                                                \___/_| |_|\__|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|                                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
╠══ -= Reason/Info/Introduction  =- ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x00 =- ══╣
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║   Welcome Reader!,                                                                                                                                            ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║   The Story Of Daniel d Larson.  Daniel Is a Pedophile Tiktok and yt start. He has extreme autism And takes Pictures of children while there not looking.     ║
║   There are 10s of 100s of Archives about dan and his pictures that will be stated. Before we get into this dox i give a Extreme Nsfw warning and gore        ║
║   Warning.  i give a gore warning as dan has almost killed and beat his 57 year old care provider(Bob) to death in a car. He has also called he has also      ║
║   called him the nword and Has made bob Want to kill himself.  Dan is a very messed up person and Yes he has alot of problems but he does alot of these things║
║   On his own time Thank u and goodbye.                                                                                                                        ║                     
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                           _____            _       _                                                                          ║
║                                                          / ____|          (_)     | |                                                                         ║
║                                                         | (___   ___   ___ _  __ _| |___                                                                      ║
║                                                          \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __|                                                                     ║
║                                                           ____) | (_) | (__| | (_| | \__ \                                                                    ║
║                                                          |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|___/                                                                    ║    
╠══ -= Socials. =- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x03 =- ══╣
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║   › ➣› Tiktok < Main source of income.                                                ║
║› Youtube                                                                                                   ║
║          └──Second :                                                                                             ║
║             └──Third :                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Snapchat  DanielLarson3                                                                                                                                      ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║› Reddit                                                                                                     ║                                        
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                       _____                _____        __                                                                    ║
║                                                      |  __ \              |_   _|      / _|                                                                   ║
║                                                      | |  | | __ _ _ __     | |  _ __ | |_ ___                                                                ║
║                                                      | |  | |/ _` | '_ \    | | | '_ \|  _/ _ \                                                               ║
║                                                      | |__| | (_| | | | |  _| |_| | | | || (_) |                                                              ║
║                                                      |_____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_____|_| |_|_| \___/                                                               ║
╠══ -= Personal Information/Dan info =- ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x04 =- ══╣
║ » Full  Name and age:	Daniel D, Larson :age: 23 years old  :DOB:  november 15, 1998                                                                           ║                                                                                                                   
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ » Education:	             High School Graduate                                                                                                               ║
║ » Profession:	"Actor, Singer, Model", and a Content creator                                                                                                   ║
║ »  School: 	Sobesky Academy : College:	Never Went to College                                                                                           ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ >Address :                  As of rightnow Daniel is homeless as he beat his elderly caretaker almost to death in a car                                       ║
║                            And was kicked out of his housing                                                                                                  ║
║                              └─ Last seen street he was on as of 22/10/2023:   WASHINGTON STREET GOLDEN COLORADO                                              ║
║                                   └─ Last seen at 39°45'23.5"N 105°00'06.9"W                                                                                  ║
║                                       └─ Last seen wearing Black hood Grey sweat Pants                                                                        ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║ 
║» diagnosed issues / Mental illness       :   Autism, adhd, and mild anxiety                                                                                   ║  
║                                                                                                                                                               ║ 
║>SMS:     903-258-8072  ( Current                                                                                                                              ║
║          » provider AT&T USA Inc.                                                                                                                             ║
║          » Services (AT&T)                                                                                                                                    ║
║          » Type :  Wireless                                                                                                                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║                                                                               
║       Old :└─ 920-648-4742                                                                                                                                    ║ 
║        » provider   AT&T. USA Inc.                                                                                                                            ║
║         » Services  (AT&T)                                                                                                                                    ║
║        » Type :     Wireless                                                                                                                                  ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║                                                                                                                  
║      Older : └─ 920-427-8222                                                                                                                                  ║ 
║       » provider   AT&T. USA Inc.                                                                                                                             ║
║       » Services  (AT&T)                                                                                                                                      ║
║       » Type :    Wireless                                                                                                                                    ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ SSN :                   2451-5421-1965 < Not sure.                                                                                                            ║         
║ blood Type :            ( A+                                                                                                                                  ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ >EMAIl    :     - old                                                                                                         ║
║                            └─  Password : spitdan2021   - does not work                                                                                       ║ 
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Place of Birth:	Denver Metropolitan Area, Colorado.                                                                                                     ║
║ ›Gender        :	Male                                                                                                                                    ║
║                          └─ Sexuality: said to be trans /gay/They them/black but is really	Straight / white                                                ║ 
║                                                                                                                                                               ║ 
║ › Ip       :                                                                                                                           ║
║                            Port : N/A                                                                                                                         ║
║ >Mothers name :         Lissa Marsh Larson                                                                                                                    ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ > Net worth   : 	$13k USD                                                                                                                                ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ ›Nationality  :   	American                                                                                                                                ║ 
║                         └─ Ethnicity	       White                                                                                                            ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ ›Languages	:        English                                                                                                                                ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║Zodiac Sign  :           Cancer                                                                                                                                ║
║>Religion                {N/A}                                                                                                                                 ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║›Height  	       In Feet Inches 5′ 10                                                                                                                     ║
║Weight    . :	        In Kilograms: 72 kg                                                                                                                     ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                  __      ___     _                      __                                                                                    ║
║                                  \ \    / (_)   | |                    / /                                                                                    ║
║                                   \ \  / / _  __| | ___  ___  ___     / /   _ __ ___  __ _ ___  ___  _ __                                                     ║
║                                    \ \/ / | |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \/ __|   / /   | '__/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \| '_ \                                                    ║
║                                     \  /  | | (_| |  __/ (_) \__ \  / /    | | |  __/ (_| \__ \ (_) | | | |                                                   ║
║                                      \/   |_|\__,_|\___|\___/|___/ /_/     |_|  \___|\__,_|___/\___/|_| |_|                                                   ║
╠══ -= Videos/ proof/reasons=- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x05 =- ══╣
║> Attacking and Almost killing 57 year old mentor (Bob) after he tells dan to get out of the car after dan yells at him for hours (Warning very upsetting)     ║
║                                                                                                                  ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Full archive  of Dan (nsfw warning)       : -                                                          ║
║  also including him talking and admitting he likes childporn and kids.                                                                                        ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Second archive                          :                                                       ║
║›                                                                                                                                                              ║
║> Him lying about cp claims            :       ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Third Archive                       :                                                          ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Him allegedly watching cp while talking to "Manager"  :                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║> Technically not an admission, but on his own accord Daniel justifies having sex with minors because of legal loopholes in certain states:                    ║
║                                                         ║
║›                                                                                                                                                              ║
║> Daniel saying that the age of consent should be 18 "But also 15":                                                                                            ║
║                                                    ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║  
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║› Daniel is known to CONSTANTLY save pictures of children in vulnerable positions, along with looking up disgusting things concerning kids.                    ║ 
║ Something to note is that when sharing/saving pictures of Grace, most of the time he saves >› pictures of her from her childhood when she was UNDERAGE.       ║ 
║ The version of Grace he sees is a minor. Take that as you will.                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║>Daniels search history being exposed + apology :           ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║›Daniels Pinterest Account, which has multiple pictures of children in vulnerable positions + A chart of the age of consent in each state:                     ║ 
║                                                                                                          ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                         _                _            _                                             _                                         ║
║                                        | |              | |          | |                                           | |                                        ║
║                                        | |     ___  __ _| | _____  __| |  _ __   __ _ ___ _____      _____  _ __ __| |___                                     ║
║                                        | |    / _ \/ _` | |/ / _ \/ _` | | '_ \ / _` / __/ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` / __|                                    ║
║                                        | |___|  __/ (_| |   <  __/ (_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \\ V  V / (_) | | | (_| \__ \                                    ║
║                                        |______\___|\__,_|_|\_\___|\__,_| | .__/ \__,_|___/___/ \_/\_/ \___/|_|  \__,_|___/                                    ║
║                                                                          | |                                                                                  ║
║                                                                          |_|                                                                                  ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
╠══ -= Leaked/Hashed passwords =- ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x06 =  ══╣
║ ›gmail :                             spitdan2021/spitdan2022                                                                                                  ║
║ >tiktok :                            (ACTIVE!!)  daniellarsonfreedom  - user  ( PASSWORD ) - Shipdan2023 - link   ║
║›netflix/temu:                       N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║ ›Snapchat.                          N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║›Youtube                             N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║›pin                                 N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║>twitter                             N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║›other emails                        N/A                                                                                                                       ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                    N/A                                                                                                                                        ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║>Leaked passwords                     spitdan2021/spitdan2022   -  Lipgreen2021 -  Shipdan2023                                                                 ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║Hashed passwords   - - - - -                                                                                                                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║>Gmail:                                                                                                                                                        ║
║>Tiktok:                                                                                                                                                       ║
║>Twitter:                                                                                                                                                      ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                               ______     _       _   _                                                                        ║
║                                                               | ___ \   | |     | | (_)                                                                       ║
║                                                               | |_/ /___| | __ _| |_ ___   _____  ___                                                         ║
║                                                               |    // _ \ |/ _` | __| \ \ / / _ \/ __|                                                        ║
║                                                               | |\ \  __/ | (_| | |_| |\ V /  __/\__ \                                                        ║
║                                                               \_| \_\___|_|\__,_|\__|_| \_/ \___||___/                                                        ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
╠══ -= Relatives =- ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x07 =- ══╣
║ Mother - Lissa Marsh Larson : Passwords (N/A)  Email : (N/A)                                                                                                  ║
║ Grandmother: nancy T Shimer : Passwords (N/A)  Email : (N/A)                                                                                                  ║
║                                             _____                 _     _____                        _                                                        ║
║                                            / ____|               | |   |  __ \                      | |                                                       ║
║                                           | |     ___  _   _ _ __| |_  | |__) |___  ___ ___  _ __ __| |___                                                    ║
║                                           | |    / _ \| | | | '__| __| |  _  // _ \/ __/ _ \| '__/ _` / __|                                                   ║
║                                           | |___| (_) | |_| | |  | |_  | | \ \  __/ (_| (_) | | | (_| \__ \                                                   ║
║                                            \_____\___/ \__,_|_|   \__| |_|  \_\___|\___\___/|_|  \__,_|___/                                                   ║
╠══ -= Court Records =- ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x08 =- ══╣
║ > #1  :                          damage of private property act                                                                                               ║
║                                      └──id:                                                                                                                   ║
║				      └── Charges Filed Date                                                                                                    ║
║				      └── Court: MISSED                                                                                                         ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date:                                                                                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║║                                                                                                                                                              ║
║ > #2  :                          charge 18-3-204(1)(a) 3rd Degree assault (M2                                                                                 ║
║                                      └──id: n/a                                                                                                               ║
║				      └── Charges Filed Date n/a                                                                                                ║
║				      └── Court: Jefferson County Detention Facility in Golden, Colorado                                                        ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date: n/a                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║  
║ > #3 :                              Destruction of Property║                                                                                                  ║
║                                      └──id:210                                                                                                                ║                                                                                                              
║				      └── Charges Filed Date                                                                                                    ║
║				      └── Court:aug/13/2021                                                                                                     ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date:                                                                                                   ║
║                                          └──Charges:   charged with destruction of property for smashing the window of a car.                                 ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ > #4 :                        Private  Trespassing.                                                                                                           ║
║                                      └──id:210                                                                                                                ║
║				      └── Charges Filed Date                                                                                                    ║
║				      └── Court:May/15/2021                                                                                                     ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date:                                                                                                   ║
║                                         └─Charges:sleeping in a MTA subway station║                                                                           ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ > #5 :                          Petty Theft                                                                                                                   ║
║                                      └──id:214                                                                                                                ║
║				      └── Charges Filed Date                                                                                                    ║
║				      └── Court: may/27/2021                                                                                                    ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date:                                                                                                   ║
║                                         └──Charges:petty theft, based on the location of the violation: "500 16TH ST #120 -  Hard Rock Café                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║ > #6:                          Criminal Mischief                                                                                                              ║
║                                      └──id:                                                                                                                   ║
║				      └── Charges Filed Date                                                                                                    ║
║				      └── Court: missed. - missed date -june 9th-2021                                                                           ║
║				      	└── Disposition Date:                                                                                                   ║
║                                         └──Charges: criminal mischief case was opened against Daniel.                                                         ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║║                                                                                                                                                              ║				                                                               ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
║                                                                                                                                                               ║                             
║  Creddits to qvslu for full history.                                                                                                                          ║ 
╠══ -= More info/Credits =- ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x09 =- ══╣

   _____              _ _ _       
  / ____|            | (_) |      
 | |     _ __ ___  __| |_| |_ ___ 
 | |    | '__/ _ \/ _` | | __/ __|
 | |____| | |  __/ (_| | | |_\__ \
  \_____|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\__|___/
     |  ✯▓  credits  ▓✯ |

  __  __                  _        __      
 |  \/  |                (_)      / _|     
 | \  / | ___  _ __ ___   _ _ __ | |_ ___  
 | |\/| |/ _ \| '__/ _ \ | | '_ \|  _/ _ \ 
 | |  | | (_) | | |  __/ | | | | | || (_) |
 |_|  |_|\___/|_|  \___| |_|_| |_|_| \___/ 
2021 would start off mostly benign, with him having very little online activity, but it would soon become one of the foundational years of the Daniel Larson lore and community.

In May, Daniel would make a video, possibly influenced by Flexburger, admitting that he sympathized with EDP445, a youtuber who was caught trying to have sex with a 13 year-old decoy. The day after, Daniel would declare war on Flexburger after Flexburger leaked an audio clip of Daniel saying he wanted to have sex with Sky Brown, a 12 year-old actress.

Flexburger would retaliate extremely because of Daniel's declaration, manipulating Daniel into doing the May 6th incident occurs. On May 6th, 2021, Daniel would expose his penis to 500 people, most of them probably being children, on TikTok live under the pretense that it was an audition for an adult film actor. His TikTok account would almost immediately be nuked after that.

TikTok had grown aware of Daniel's existence after May 6th, and would repeatedly ban Daniel's new attempts at returning to social media. He would jump platforms to Likee, a TikTok clone, and would livestream him doing various things.

In the background, more and more trolls would catch onto Daniel's infatuation with Grace VanderWaal and would impersonate her more and more. This would lead to the June 10th Likee meltdown. Daniel would post a video of him going through an extreme meltdown over him being rejected from the VanderWaal team, threatening to kill himself and harm various people over it.

After the incident, he would make more videos about Grace with the overarching theme of her death. A video memorial would be made for her, and he would take a short break from the internet.

"Roaring Thunder", Daniel's most revered and popular song would be released on November 15th, the same day he was sent to the hospital after an altercation with Jonas, his current caretaker. Jonas would reappear in the coming months, Daniel making videos complaining about and even fighting Jonas.

Among shaving a mohawk in a similar vain to a polish chicken and performing his first concert, he would relocate to California, .\

Dan has also Threatened to kill almost every person who has helped him. Including his 58 year old "mentor" who is really a close friend of his dead grandmother Who is just trying to protect dan and help him with his life.
