
        ,--.                                ,--.       ,--.                                 ,--.                              ,--.              
        |  |-. ,--.--. ,---. ,--.,--. ,---. |  ,---. ,-'  '-.    ,--. ,--.,---. ,--.,--.    |  ,---.  ,---. ,--.--. ,---.     |  |-.,--. ,--.   
        | .-. '|  .--'| .-. ||  ||  || .-. ||  .-.  |'-.  .-'     \  '  /| .-. ||  ||  |    |  .-.  || .-. :|  .--'| .-. :    | .-. '\  '  /    
        | `-' ||  |   ' '-' ''  ''  '' '-' '|  | |  |  |  |        \   ' ' '-' ''  ''  '    |  | |  |\   --.|  |   \   --.    | `-' | \   '.--. 
         `---' `--'    `---'  `----' .`-  / `--' `--'  `--'      .-'  /   `---'  `----'     `--' `--' `----'`--'    `----'     `---'.-'  / '--' 
                                     `---'                       `---'                                                              `---'       

                                             _____    _                  _              
                                            |  __ \  (_)                | |             
                                            | |__) |  _   _ __    __ _  | |_    ___     
                                            |  ___/  | | | '__|  / _` | | __|  / _ \    
                                            | |      | | | |    | (_| | | |_  |  __/  _ 
                                            |_|      |_| |_|     \__,_|  \__|  \___| (_)


                                                ║ # 0x01 # Introduction............................║
                                                ║ # 0x02 # Personal Information....................║
                                                ║ # 0x03 # Social Medias...........................║
                                                ║ # 0x04 # Reasons.................................║


                                                ║ # 0x01 # Introduction............................║

  <Introduction1>"Hello there kind user's of doxbin, and welcome to the introduction of Pqwk’s Offical DOX,"</Introduction1>
  <Introduction2>Pqwk is a harmless "content creator who thinks he’s untouchable"."</Introduction2>
  <Introduction3>"Either way, let's continue this ("Post") shall we?, and shut up Pqwk for good ;)"</Introduction3>


              ___     |    `
             / .-\  ./=)    
            |  |"|_/\/|     
            ;  |-;| /_|     
           / \_| |/ \ |     
          /      \/\( |     
          |   /  |` ) |                  <Ending_Pqwk>"Fuck Pqwk..."</Ending_Pqwk>
          /   \ _/    |     
         /--._/  \    |     
         `/|)    |    /     
           /     |   |      
         .'      |   |      
        /         \  |      
       (_.-.__.__./  /      


                                                ║ # 0x02 # Personal Information....................║


 // #Personal_Information

 <:"Legal_Name":> Daniel Khan
 <:"Birth_Of_Date":> 2004
 <:"Current Registered Address":> 12520 est 35th street, Tulsa, OK 74146 United States

 <:"Phone_Number":> +19187604245 (his current)

 // #Registered_Email's

 # jacksonligma7@gmail.com    (Used for 85% of his Mail Activity)
 # danielkhan541@gmail.com          (Used for 15% of his Mail Activity)

// #Known_Password’s

# FreeHack1


                                                ║ # 0x03 # Social Medias...........................║


 // #Irrelevant_Nab

                        ║ Twitter: https://twitter.com/not applicable......║

                           // #Make_Sure_To_Tweet_At_Him_With_This_Post

                        ║ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pqwk/mobiledeezyt.....║

                        ║ Instagram: @theofficaldaniel...........................║


                                                ║ # 0x04 # Reasons.................................║

 // #Reason_1; Massive skid
 // #Reason_2; Ugly as fuck
 // #Reason_3; Harmless but threats.
