Name: Daniel J Kelley
173 Amity St Apt 1w Brooklyn NY 11201-6273
City/State: Brooklyn New York
ZIP: 11201-6273
Address: 223 Bay Ridge Ave
City/State: Brooklyn, NY 
ZIP: 11220-5804
Phone number: 
(917) 647-6369 - Wireless
(718) 864-0140 - Wireless
(718) 855-4163 - LandLine/Services
Family/Relative:  Margaret Sue Kelley , Ricahrd P Kelley , Timothy P Kelley , John J Kelley , Richard P Kelley , Richard J Kelley , Asantewaa N Pinchinat , Bernia Pinchinat
Cornita Tut Pinchinat , David E Pinchinat , Dee Andra L Pinchinat , Dee Andra L Pinchinat , Dierdre H Brown , Dierdre D Ien , Fritz Pinchinat , J J Kelley , J J Kelley , Jamal N Ien , John J Kelley , Jonas Pinchinat , Judith J Ien , Justin N Ien , Kelisha Pinchinat , Kelisha Pinchinat , Kelley Lee , Kelly Asantewaa , Leisha N Ien , Lisebonne Marjorie Voltaire , Louise Medgyne Brown , Mackline Pinchinat , Mackline Pinchinat , Mallory Pinchinat , Max Pinchinat , Maxien Pinchinat , Nailah Pinchinat , Patricia J Kelley , Patrick M Pinchinat , Pinchinat Mackson , Richard C Kelly , Rifin Pinchinat , Rose Valine Pinchinat , Saintarmanm M Pinchinat , Seymour M Ien , Sharon A Martin , Susan F Kelley , Sylvia Pinchinat , Tishon Rachel Pinchinat , Uriah Kelly , Wesley J Pinchinat , Yanique Tanicia Berry 
Daniel is Assistant Director, Center for Technology and Society of Anti Defamation League aka Anti-Gamers and gamers hatred wanting to destroy whole gamers and turn into the cancerous.
This is the most anti games propaganda at all that time.