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Follow: @themis.tm on IG
Doxxed by: @v1xxsl1ts on IG

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This was created in response to the recent upload by Youtuber Nick Crowley (https://www.instagram.com/nick_crowleyyt/),
who created a video today addressing convicted Sex Offender Dan Cilley. Although this is not a complete dox, it's sufficient 
for if he was to be reported to the authorities at any point. That, and hopefully this spreads a little awareness to those
who do not yet know who Dan Cilley is. He is at high risk of re offense, especially given his latest claims.

Reasons for Dox:
Convicted sex offender (for sexually harassing a minor) constant harassment and sometimes groping of women on the street,
repeated claims of stating it's okay for adult males of any age to date children, claiming the age of 14 is when girls should marry and 
reproduce, expressed intent to date children.
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- https://www.facebook.com/L.A.DowntownNews/posts/dan-cilley-a-downtown-man-known-for-following-women-and-recording-them-while-mak/10156322224034569/
- https://i.redd.it/u88bjvttil961.jpg
- https://abc7news.com/rohnert-park-sex-offender-neighbor-moves-in-offenders/2301621/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiUKHpptQ88
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzm_DaD3q4o
- https://fb.watch/6t_7dZD46T/
- https://imengine.prod.srp.navigacloud.com/?uuid=126792D0-8C17-40A6-B0D7-C6DD01C5BFB7&type=primary&q=72&width=1024
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PofNNRkSosg

More videos of him harassing women and making vile statements about children can be done through a google search of simply
"Dan Cilley". Articles regarding his arrest in 2017 and release are easy to find as well.
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Name: Daniel Patrick Cilley

Goes by: Dan; Dan Cilley; "Downtown LA Predator" (Self Proclaimed)

Age: 36 (Born in January)

Height: 6'3

Address: 133 Southwest Blvd, Unit D3
Rohnert Park CA 94928 
(Sonoma County
Since June 2009)

Note: Stayed with family in Rohnert Park in 2017, potentially relocated to further South California.

- (213) 689-6970 Landline
Pacific Bell Telephone Company
First reported September 2017

-(707) 490-2160 Wireless
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC
First reported June 2009

Former Addresses:
-701 Lisbon Ct
Rohnert Park CA 94928

-8775 Lancaster Dr
Rohnert Park CA 94928

-520 Wall St, Unit 203
Los Angeles CA 90013

-206 W 6th St, Unit 371
Los Angeles CA 90014

-109 Avram Ave
Rohnert Park CA 94928

-813 E 4th Pl
Los Angeles CA 90013

Fionna Lane
Age 37 (Oct 1983)

Jeanie Cilley
Age 63 (Nov 1957)

John Cilley
Age 33 (Jan 1988)

Stewart Cilley
Age 61 (Aug 1959)

Teri Cilley
Age 64 (Apr 1957)

Allison Hovey
Age 50 (Mar 1971)

Brian Cilley
Age 62 (Aug 1958)

Brian Cilley
Age 47 (Jan 1974)

Brian Hovey
Age 64 (Nov 1956)

Brian Lane
Age 36 (Aug 1984)

Brianna White
Age 36 (Mar 1985)

Dana Briggs
Age 34 (Oct 1986)

David Hovey
Age 33 (May 1988)

David Hovey
Age 33 (May 1988)

Lorraine Cilley
Age 91 (Nov 1929)

Mary Cilley
Age 62 (May 1959)

Matthew Lane
Age 38 (Apr 1983)

Patricia Harris
Age 98 (Feb 1923)

Renate Colley
Age 84 (Oct 1936)

Robert Cilley
Age 92 (Jan 1929)

Robert Colley
Age 96 (Oct 1924)


Gab: https://gab.com/dancilley
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danielcilleyltblp (Termed, but he will be back. He stated he's on Tiktok due to interest in children.)
Youtube: Banned lol

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- v1xx