Targets: Dalia Shaw + Dylan Nadeau
Reason: Overtly Racist + Wearing Blackface on camera.


Real Names: Dalia Shaw, Dylan Nadeau
Ages: 15
Dalia's Phone Numbers: 5142964748
Dylan's Phone Number: 4383906084
Location 1: 4275 Rue Kimber, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
Location 2: 4394 Rue Becker, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada (Possibly Inaccurate)


Video of them in blackface / Racist Song:
Alligator Tears:


Keeping your family's information out of this, they don't deserve to pay for the racist pieces of fucking dogshit you both are. Your dad already suffered enough losing his fucking job because of you.
I didn't get all of this information myself, this is just a compilation of shit that people have leaked.
Shoutout @mtlgoons.
Black Lives Matter.

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