|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Address..................................          |

|                      0x01  Introduction                       |

An introduction to all of this, DaddyHDK this online user is very rasict, sexist, homophobic
He is a ISIS Member an terrorist group killing people for respect and land
He hacked 2 of my friends and he hired someone to killthem but only one is dead right now
Also he swated my school i got no clue how he got my school

|                    0x02  Personal Information                 |

Name.................... Andrew Tate
Mugshot................. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1003184818898612274/1006278319953678336/W_-_Discord_8_4_2022_4_35_13_PM_5.png
Occupation.............. ISIS Member, Works for mi5 or mi6
Race.................... White Power
Gender.................. Male
Sexuality............... Stright 
Relationship Status..... Taken by JMX "Mummy JMX"
Age..................... 18
Mobile Phone Number..... +911

|                    0x03  Address Information                 |

Direct Address.......... 2 Wellington Pl, Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 W3W6, Ireland
Country................. Nigger Land
State................... Monkey 
City.................... Balls
ZIP..................... D04 W3W6

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