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  R::::R     R:::::R    eeeeeeeeeeee    ttttttt:::::ttttttt        aaaaaaa:::::a r:::::r     r:::::rq:::::q     q:::::q 
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  D:::::D    D:::::D    ooooooooooo xxxxxxx      xxxxxxx
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D::::::::::::DDD      oo:::::::::::oox:::::x    x:::::x 
DDDDDDDDDDDDD           ooooooooooo xxxxxxx      xxxxxxx
|                  Personal Information                         |
⮞ First Name........... Daan
⮞ Between name......... van der
⮞ Last name............ heide
⮞ Age.................. 15
⮞ BirthDay............. 27-9-2005
⮞ Sports............... Blauw wit Oldebroek. BWJB1
⮞ School............... Unknown
⮞ Work................. None
⮞ Girlfriend........... None
⮞ Phone number......... +31 6 17389233
⮞ E-Mail............... Unknown
⮞ IP...................
⮞ ISP.................. AS12414 Solcon Internetdiensten B.V.
⮞ Hostname............. dsl-213-233-192-171.solcon.nl
⮞ City................. Hilversum
⮞ Region............... North Holland
⮞ Country.............. NL
⮞ ZIP.................. 1211
⮞ Adres................ Don't feel like looking up

|                        Social Media Accounts                  |
⮞ Snapchat.............. daanvdheide2005
⮞ Twitch................ None
⮞ Spotify............... None
⮞ DiscordTag............ Retarq | Daan#4454
⮞ DiscordID............. 328163094230466570
⮞ InstaGram............. https://www.instagram.com/daan_van_der_heide/
⮞ Twitter............... None
⮞ FaceBook.............. None
⮞ Minecraft............. https://namemc.com/profile/Retarq.5
⮞ Youtube............... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHCODuEuzcGDKtEK2M6KZag

|                    Family Members Information                 |
⮞ Father................ Wiljan van der heide
⮞ Age................... Nobody cares how old they are
⮞ Birthday.............. Nobody cares when their birthday is
⮞ Work.................. farmer
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829125996258000897/148300166_2165118313620765_3812336903331042353_n.png
⮞ Mother................ Trijnie van der heide
⮞ Age................... Nobody cares how old they are
⮞ Birthday.............. Nobody cares when their birthday is
⮞ Work.................. farmer
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829125996258000897/148300166_2165118313620765_3812336903331042353_n.png
⮞ Brother............... Thom van der heide
⮞ Age................... 15
⮞ Birthday.............. 14-4-2005
⮞ Study................. At a random farmer's school
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829127248711778304/20210407_005527.jpg
⮞ Brother............... Luuk van der heide
⮞ Age................... Not allowed because of the doxbin tos
⮞ Birthday.............. Not allowed because of the doxbin tos
⮞ Study................. At a random farmer's school
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829131406201847858/20210407_011200.jpg
⮞ Brother............... Bram van der heide
⮞ Age................... 15
⮞ Birthday.............. sometime around 2007 had no motivation to look it up
⮞ Study................. At a random farmer's school
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829129426955534356/20210407_010353.jpg
⮞ Brother............... Milan van der heide
⮞ Age................... Not allowed because of the doxbin tos
⮞ Birthday.............. Not allowed because of the doxbin tos
⮞ Study................. At a random farmer's school
⮞ E-mail................ You don't have to bomb their mail
⮞ Phone number.......... we don't give away their numbers
⮞ IRL................... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/813777380380115015/829129781861810196/20210407_010535.jpg
Daan had a brother and a sister but we keep them out as we do not dox children between 1 and 5 years old
|                       IRL Pictures                            |
⮞ https://image.prntscr.com/image/oiqD1o5EQ3GbP8T6bbm2JQ.pnghttps://image.prntscr.com/image/JxJmkXfkTmi0dhhndyAfjg.pnghttps://image.prntscr.com/image/25zhCaJmRqCxNTJu_4JGrQ.pnghttps://image.prntscr.com/image/V3-7VgIIRF2K7BsFUqu-Ww.pnghttps://image.prntscr.com/image/OGs4rjllRiy43qOslfBh8Q.png
|                      Meme Screenshots                         |
None, This guy is a serious crafter.